Chapter 43

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Dad where are you at? I was needing to ask you something when you get time .

Hi Roxie honey is something wrong? I always have time honey for you what's on your mind ?

Well I was wondering if you wanted to go on a mini vacation just you and me because we haven't done that in a long time and with my health there is no telling what is going to happen with me .

Honey that sound like a good idea where would you like to go ? And why don't we see about the family going so that way they can reunion with you as well honey we can also do things together by our self ,What do you think ?

Daddy that is a good idea I didn't think of that . I was thinking maybe a island resort? Maybe we can call everyone to my room since I am still a little dizzy. 
Okay honey let me send a text message to everyone now .
"Everyone Roxie with like you all to come to here room please."

Come in everyone and thank you for coming up to me am still a little dizzy and I would like to you all about something if you all have time .

Yes Roxie honey we have time what would you like to talk to use about ?

Well I would like to go on a mini vacation on a resort island and I would like it if you all would like to come and it would be a reunion for us all .

Yes honey we would love to go ,Where would you like to go and when and for how long ?

Well I was thinking maybe 5 weeks and Jamaica  because I had e always wanted to go there and I would like to leave tomorrow if we can set the reservation and find a hotel .

Okay baby we can do that and we can start on it now so we can leave out tomorrow morning if things work .
Thank you all for wanting to do this with me love you all dearly .
We love you too Roxie .
Roxie we need to head out and see Dr.Kelly this evening they have results of the other test back would like for us to meet here in 30 minutes .
Dad I am scared of what the test will say and my head still hurt a lot .

I know Roxie we will found out more when we get there and hopefully is something good .

Hi we are here to see Dr. Kelly this Roxie Lynch .Yes follow me to her office she will be right there .
Thank you !

Hi Roxie and Rocky glad you could make it . So Roxie the test came back and you still have some bleeding in around you brain so I am going to be putting up the hospital so we can drain some of it then maybe this will stop the swelling. 

Dr.Kelly when would like to do this ?

I am wanting to do it tomorrow because I don't want to wait it might be dangerous on Roxie . So if you like I would like Roxie back at the hospital at 7 PM and she can't eat or drink at 12am .

Okay we will be there see you then .

Dad am really scared now and what about our trip we are planning to reconnect.

Honey I know you are scared but i am too ,Just lay back and take a nap i will wake you when we are home .

Mom I see Rocky car just pull in I sure hope everything went well with Roxie .
I hope so too Rydel and Riker .

Roxie honey time to wake up we are home .
Dad i am feeling dizzy again maybe I will just stay here. While u get my bag together ,Can you please pack chargers and laptop and my other clothes?
Sure honey I can do that then we will get some supper maybe have family come as well .I will be back soon.

Mom and dad family come here please...
Rocky where is Roxie and what is going on .
What am about to tell will have you will have you in tears like me .. Dr.Kelly found bleeding around here brain which is causing her swelling and she has to have surgery to remove it which they are putting her in the hospital at 7pm tonight and she believes this will help with her head hurting and the dizzy spells . Roxie is really scared and to be honest so am I.  She is resting in the car and I need to pack her a bag and then go to supper because she can't or drink after 12 am .

Wow our poor granddaughter. Son what do you need us to do to help you ?
Mom if you and sis can help me get her bag pack that would be great and Riker can you go and check on Roxie for me . And as for the trip we will do that when Roxie is better .

Son everything is pack and got her laptop and chargers for phone as well and what is your plans for dinner ?
Thanks mom I was thinking Chinese food because we have to be there at 7 PM. 
Okay everyone let's load up and head for some food .

Roxie time to wake up we are at the restaurant. So you can eat something before we head to the hospital.

Okay dad I am up I am, hungry  and you know I like my Chinese food .Hi everyone!

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