Chapter 42

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Roxie honey it's time to head to your appointment .Yes Dad am ready but am a little scared because I am still feeling dizzy and I have been resting like they said .
Honey I know you are scared let's just see what the doctor say alright ?And beside all the family is going as well .
Alright dad then let's head out honey .

Hi can I help you ? Yes my name is Roxie Lynch I am here to see Doctor Kelly .
Yes if you can fill these forms out and then bring them back.
Hi Roxie am Dr.Kelly and i have the results of your test and it still shows some swilling around your head and this new meds will help bring it down and i still want you resting and try not to do a lot of things .
Doctor kelly is that why i am still having these dizzy spells and my head hurting all the time ?

Yes it is and also that is why i Don't want u doing a whole lot and i will see you in a couple of weeks .
Dad can we get some feed before we head home i am kinda hungry ?
Yes honey we can what would u like to eat or do you want me to cook something ?

I was thinking your burgers and potatoes salad and ice tea .Dad my head is hurting can we go home

Yes i can do that baby we are almost home then you can rest while i get the food and cook .

Roxie honey we are home now lets get you up to bed .
Okay dad i am tired and would like some rest .
Son what did the Doctor say about my grand daughter ?
She said there is still some swelling and to keep taking her meds and to pretty much rest and she will see her in a few weeks .
Bless her little heart do you want some help cooking ?
Sure mom she wants burgers and potatoes salad and sweet tea .
Okay lets get started .

Rocky how is Roxie doing ?
Not so loud she is not feeling good and she is resting . She still has some swelling and Doctor wants her to rest still.

Sorry this chapter is short .But i want to wish all my followers a Happy New Years and welcome to Year 2020!!

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