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It's funny
You never hear a healed person
Wish they were sick again
Tales of times of disease
Are never told with nostalgia but with
Brave indifference
And to tell you I miss being sick
Would be like saying
The Mona Lisa was just a painting
I miss my ribs
Hard lines on my chest
Ladder rungs
That led me to the stars
And beyond
I miss my hip bones
The valley between them
My stomach was a cavern I could store anything in
Because it never got filled
My blood never got to racing
It barely moved at all
The butterflies I felt for you
Starved to death
And I devoured them to stay alive
They left behind the impossible
Space where a healthy body should be
And I miss my collarbone
Jutting out from my skin
Like the harsh edge of a cliff
The daring tightrope walker
Stumbling dangerously close
To the drop off
Drunk on Splenda water and
The knowledge that I was indestructible
A tightrope walker lighter than air could never fall
Or get carried off in the wind
Only drown in the waters down below
And I did
I can honestly say that I miss being sick
But I don't miss dying

A/N It's a rough draft, so any and all suggestions are welcome. Thanks for reading! (even though it's crap)

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