Chapter Four - Grieving and London

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Saturday afternoon, Alec sat in his living room, holding an untouched glass of wine in one hand. He was staring unseeingly out the window. The Chairman was curled up in his lap. Alec had cancelled all his clients for the past two days, not being able to find the energy to do anything post Ragnor's death.

After he and Catarina had finished healing those that weren't dead from the fight—a total of Alec, one vampire, three faeries, and two werewolves—they had taken Ragnor's body to the cemetery outside of Central Park. They had worked together to conjure up a headstone and carve words into it, just a simple statement—Here Lies Ragnor Fell, Loved. Ave atque vale.

"That's a Shadowhunter saying," Catarina had murmured as Alec carved with his weakened magic.

"Hail and farewell," Alec had mumbled again, clutching his side. "Forever and ever, my brother, hail and farewell."

After that, Catarina had escorted Alec back to his apartment, where he had finally allowed himself to pass out. He had woken back up early Friday morning, around four a.m., to find Catarina asleep on the foot of his bed, leaning against one of the posts that held up the canopy and her lips parted slightly. He had assumed she hadn't meant to fall asleep, and woke her up for enough time for her to get to the couch. She slept until ten a.m. and left to get to another shift at the hospital.

Catarina had healed him, taking all the venom out of his system, gotten him to bed, and even stayed awake to watch him while he slept. He was incredibly glad he had a friend like Catarina. He and Ragnor had both been very lucky.

The buzzer at the ground floor of the apartment rang, pulling him from the reverie. Alec stayed on the couch for a good couple of minutes as the buzzing continued before there was a shout that drifted through his barely open window.

"I know you're home, Alec!"

He sighed and rose unsteadily to his feet, putting his wineglass down and wandering toward the door. Without caring who it was, he buzzed them up and headed for the kitchen. He opened the fridge and stared blankly inside. He couldn't even find it inside himself to eat.

There was a knock, a pause, a heavy sigh, and then the door swung open. Alec looked up and his tired gaze found Magnus, wearing a bright blue top and white jeans, each finger adorned with rings, a bag slung onto one shoulder, arms crossed and one penciled eyebrow cocked. He dropped the bag on the island.

"Jace has been trying to contact you for two days," he said, makeup flawless once again. For some reason, that pissed Alec off. But the warlock didn't reply. He just didn't have the energy to engage the Shadowhunter in banter.

"Have you eaten?" Magnus continued. Alec shook his head mutely, pushing the refrigerator door shut. Magnus sighed and walked into the kitchen, pulling open cupboard doors and examining their contents. Alec watched him with a detached interest.

"What are you doing?" Alec rasped, the first words he'd spoken since he had bid Catarina goodbye.

"Making you dinner so you have the strength to make a Portal to London for the Council meeting tomorrow," Magnus replied, filling a glass with tap water and pushing it down the bar. It slid to a stop in front of Alec. "Drink something besides wine."

"I don't want to." Alec was aware he was acting like a child, but frankly, he didn't care.

"I don't give a damn." Magnus' response was quick and brisk.

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