Chapter Ten - Kisses and Sucker Punches

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He raised his head. He had been oiling his bow in the weapons room when Jace's voice had sounded.

"In here," he called.

It had been a week since Magnus and Alec's return from Alicante, and so much had happened. After telling Jace and Izzy about the Council's decision, things had begun moving much faster. While Jace researched Valentine and the Circle, Magnus was digging through everything he could find about the Princes of Hell to see what he could find out for Alec.

Since they had returned from London, Alec had been busy with his clients and trying to keep the Downworld calm about the Circle and Magnus had been busy with Shadowhunter things. They hadn't seen each other since Portaling back to New York.

They had had one more run-in with the Circle involving a half-dead mundie. They had tried to get him to a mundane hospital before he died, but hadn't made it in time. He was pronounced DOA by the mundane healers they called.

Jace shouldered open the door and jogged up the stairs toward where Magnus was sitting. He held a piece of parchment in his hand that was burnt a little on the edges.

"Fire message?" he guessed.

"From Robert," he confirmed, handing it over. Magnus set his bow down and glanced over the slanted handwriting.


We will be home in a few days, instead of tomorrow as planned. Something has come up in Alicante that requires our full attention.


Magnus flipped it over and frowned. "That's all?"

"Yeah," Jace replied. "Short, sweet, and to the point."

"Hm." Magnus thought about Max. He wondered what had happened. He bit the inside of his cheek in thought.

He knew Maryse and Robert weren't big fans of he and Alec, and he knew Max had a lot of questions. He hadn't really thought much through about what the highly impressionable thirteen-year-old would say to his parents regarding his adoptive brother and his biological one. He hoped Max had enough sense to keep his mouth shut.

"Magnus?" Jace said, waving a hand. The Shadowhunter looked up, eyebrows raised.

"What's up? Sorry."

Jace sighed lightly. "I said, are you okay? You've been scatterbrained since you and Alec came back."

He wasn't sure why, but Magnus had neglected to tell Jace about his and Alexander's...thing, whatever it might be. They had yet to DTR, as Isabelle called it (and she should know how to 'define a relationship', as she had had several), and Magnus didn't want to put Alexander in any sort of uncomfortable situation. Even he was quick enough to realize that Jace and Izzy didn't know their brother was gay.

Magnus smiled. "I'm fine, Jace. Are you?" He rose to his feet as well so he could look the older boy in the eye. "You look like you haven't slept or eaten in days."

Jace looked away. "I'm fine," he echoed, voice a little sharper. "Listen, I was going to go on patrol. Do you want to come? Izzy is holding everything together downstairs and I figured we could use this time to make sure everything is quiet."

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