Chapter 14 - We Can Be Together, Now and Forever, I Love You

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"Alexander!" Magnus shouted as a demon leapt past him. They had gotten separated at some point, back when Magnus' parabatai rune had begun to burn like fire against his chest. Magnus held out a hand and blasted the demon back with an arc of blue magic.

Clary had demonstrated her Alliance rune that morning at the meeting in the Gard, and despite dubious mutterings, Alec and Magnus had been the first two to volunteer to have themselves Marked.

"The stronger the bond between the two, the stronger the rune becomes," she explained, smiling knowingly at them as she Marked Magnus first. Alec's hand was shaking as he extended it, but Magnus took it in his and steadied it.

There was a sharp inhale from the whole Gard as the stele touched Alec's skin. He let out a brief yelp as it burned slightly, but the burn faded into a pleasant tingling sensation. Gasps of wonder rose from the crowd, even more so as when Clary finished the rune, magic began to drip from Magnus' fingertips.

Magnus was jerked from the memory as a Shadowhunter was flung by a demon and slammed bodily into him, knocking them both over. Said Shadowhunter paid him no mind, rolling to his feet and throwing himself back into it.

"Shit," Magnus groaned, staggering upright and beginning to run again.

When the fighting starts, I'll come find you.

We fight together.

Magnus pulled his sword off his back and swung it at a demon in front of him. The Shax fell into two halves and burst into a puddle of ichor. He picked up speed again, slashing and cutting as he went.

"Alexan—" His next cry was cut off by such an intense pain that he blacked out momentarily and came to face-down on the cobblestones. His parabatai mark was throbbing, burning his skin, tearing like claws and teeth. It was so much worse than the fire-spitting demon from years before. This ripped into his soul, choked him for air, threatened to pull his lungs out of his chest.

Clutching at it, clawing at it, anything to make it stop, all he could think was Jace is in trouble Jace is hurt by the Angel what if he's dead Jace stop Jace Jace

He dug his fingertips into the rune and shut his eyes hard, begging the Angel to show him anything. He felt the pain move to the center of his chest, tasted blood, heard a girl's shriek and felt icy water all up his front.

Magnus let out a shriek as the rune throbbed again, kicking and fighting against himself because there's nothing I can do


Magnus gasped at the familiar voice over him. "Alex—an—" Another wave of pain choked him and cut off the warlock's name.

And then—it was gone. The pain was gone. Magnus pressed his fingers back into the rune but saw nothing. The rune had faded. He pressed harder and felt skin split under his nails. Nothing. It wasn't there. He felt very cold.

No no no no no no no—

"Magnus, what is it?" Alec demanded, spin-kicking a smaller demon out of the way, beheading another with a spear of magic.

Magnus staggered upright, gasping. Alec grabbed him and steadied him. His face was bloody and he had a cut on his forehead, but he was otherwise unharmed.

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