Chapter Eleven - Some Heartaches Will Never Heal

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Jace paced out of the bedroom, stretching. He had on his long-sleeved black shirt that he wore under his battlegear and his jeans. His socks slid across the hardwood floor and he yawned.

He felt bad and was horribly embarrassed at himself for falling apart on Alec. He didn't want to and had no idea why he did. All he knew was that he was exhausted and hungry, and Alec was taking too damn long to make his food.

"Alec," he said through the yawn, putting a hand on the doorframe and peering into the kitchen. Then he stopped.

Based on the look the two had shared when they walked into the apartment, plus the way neither would speak to him about the things that happened in London, Jace had his suspicions. But seeing his parabatai and his brother locked in the embrace they were locked in—well, that was a whole other ballpark of things.

Jace braced one forearm against the doorframe and put the other on his hip, sucking in his lower lip. They were completely lost in each other.

"I mean, Alec's gay, so—"

"Of course, Izzy's right," Jace laughed to himself, rubbing his nose. Jace ducked back around the wall and reached into his shirt, pressing his fingertips against the spiral rune on his chest.

A heat spread through his body, something warm and safe and comforting that made him sleepy. He tipped his head back against the wall and sighed. His heart ached despite the heat, and he pulled his hand back almost reluctantly. Jace stared at the ceiling.

What they had... Jace could feel how real it was. He could feel the attachment and the strength of their bond. They had something now that Jace wasn't a part of. Sure, he had Izzy, and yes, he and Magnus were parabatai, but now Magnus and Alec were so in love it hurt Jace physically.

What happens then? Where do I fit in in this dynamic?


Alec and Magnus pulled apart, both breathing a little heavier, foreheads and noses pressed together.

"I—I..." Alec took a deep breath. "I came out to make something."

"What, dinner? I'll help," Magnus murmured against his skin, brushing kisses on his cheeks.

"Actually, I think he came out to make dinner for me."

They sprung apart like they'd been electrically charged, scaring The Chairman so badly he fell off the counter. Jace stood in the doorway with his arms crossed across his chest and one eyebrow cocked. He smirked at them and waved a hand dismissively.

"You guys can tell me," he sighed. "I mean I guessed after you went to London, but I couldn't be sure of anything."

"Maryse and Robert," Magnus began.

"They won't know," Jace promised, putting a hand over his heart dramatically. "Scout's honor."

"You were never a scout," both Magnus and Alec said flatly.

"It still counts." Jace wandered into the kitchen and began pulling open cabinets. "Now are we going to make dinner or not?"


Jace fell asleep just after midnight. This left Alec and Magnus alone in the living room, both with a little too much wine in their bodies, one on top of the other, kissing slowly on the couch.

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