Chapter 21: My surprise again

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 I woke up the next morning with Leslie by my side.

"Wh-what are you doing here?"

"Jason called me tell me you were feeling sick again"

"What do you think it is?"

"While I know what it is. You are pregnant again it's a baby boy."

"Oh really. I told "Jason I wanted another baby but this time a boy. I guess my wish came true."

"Get some rest. You need to go shopping with me in two weeks."

I fell asleep and it was like this again for four months instead of two. I wasn't able to get out of bed except to go to the bathroom until seven months in. When I could finally leave, Leslie took me shopping again. Except this time for boy things. You know how I told you that I spent 500 on Anna while I spent over 750 on him. It was crazy. After we went shopping I went back to bed and it was on and off like the beginning until he was due in one week.

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