Chapter 14: Training

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 The next morning we woke up and got ready for the day. It was monday morning and we had training to work in the hotel. It was also my birthday I had just turned 18.

"I'm ready to go." I said across the room.

"Wow you look really adorable." He said quietly.

"Thank you." I giggled

I walked over to him and hugged him.

"You know we still have a bit of time I could make you chocolate chip pancakes."

"Like Edwards?"

"Who's Edward." He asked

"Oh haha, Edward was my neighbor he thought we were dating and he brought me chocolate chip pancakes every morning."

"Oh well then yes I will make you pancakes like Edwards."

"Oh Thank you." I pulled him in and kissed him. Then I ran off to the kitchen.

20 minutes later Jason put a stack of chocolate chip pancakes in front of me. I bit into one and they tasted just like Edwards.

"Oh My God these taste just like his thank you."

"Anything for my favorite person in the whole world."

I looked at the clock it said 9:15am.

"We have to go"

I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the elevator. We got to the front desk with one minute to spare.

"Good morning." I said to Leslie.

Leslie didn't say anything she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the back room. Jason followed.

"This room is for people that work here only." She said quietly. As she said this she typed in the code. "The code is 2694. Do not tell anybody."

We followed her in.

"This is the gun safe. We only go in here if the D.O.C's come in asking for a room.... But really they're not they're here to kill us. So if they ever come in say 'just a sec' Run back here get a handgun and walk back out there."

"This is are training?" I asked.

"Yep and now you are finished you start work work tomorrow."

We said thanks and went back up to the room where I finished the pancakes. When I was done, we sat down on the couch. I clapped my hands so the lights would turn off, and we turned on a movie. I snuggled in close and ended up falling asleep. I woke up in the morning on the couch and Jason was in front of me.

"I have to ask you a question. After the movie last night I went out to pick something up. I have done a lot of thinking and......................



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Natalie <3

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