Chapter 30: Memories

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"Ok so remember when we met and you had asked me to dance and then like ten minutes before midnight you took me to a room and kissed me, And then I pulled away and started to yell at you. Then you took me to the kitchen and made me chocolate chip pancakes."

"That was when I met you." Jason said. I had decided to call a family meeting so we could go over what happened as a family during the war.

"And remember when you asked to marry me in the middle of the night. Thats was the night when you were all tired and you said yes in a hazy voice."

"Oh yah I remember that night." I said.

"Then two years later Anna was born and you were adorable." I pinched Anna's cheeks.

"What about me mom." Jake asked.

"Well when you were born you were premature by two weeks."


"Yes really."

"Anyway." Jason said.

"Remember when" Jason said ecstatically. "in the middle of our date the TV turned on and we heard the reporter say 'the war is over'"

"I got up and I danced around for hours."

"Yah good times."

"Remember when we went to the rubble and didn....."

"Jason don't mention that." I said trying not to cry.

"Oh I forgot sorry." He got up and walked over to me to give me a hug.

"Don't mention June either I haven't told Anna yet" I whispered to him.


"I think that's all the memories I can remember."


"Ok you may go." They ran off.

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