S e v e n || I m p o s s i b l e

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Two months later..

Marinette felt like death consumed her bedroom. Her stomach felt as if it was going to explode, but her period hasn't arrived in four months. She thought it was rather strange, so she figured she would go see a doctor.

"Maman, I'm going to the doctor's office!" She announced to her mother, who was the only person present in the bakery. Her mom gave a nod of approval as Marinette was swift to exit the bakery and arrive at the doctor's office. Once she arrived, no patients were at the doctor's office yet; the bluenette was brought in almost immediately.

"Greetings, I'm Dr. Cavera," the female doctor introduced herself with a bright grin. " I'm ready to serve you today!" Marinette would admit, the woman was beautiful, granted she had blonde hair, icy blue eyes, and a bit taller than Marinette, but she was a bit older as well, or so she appeared that way.

"My stomach has been in a lot of pain," Marinette began, lacking hesitance. The doctor nodded, listening carefully and writing on her notepad. "I haven't been on my period in four months either." Dr. Cavera's eyes widened and she cleared her throat, asking,

"Have you had sexual intercourse lately?"

"Hmm, maybe two months ago." Marinette thought out loud, answering honestly. The doctor placed her hand on her shoulder, giving her an uneasy smile.

"Did you use protection?" That question overwhelmed Marinette and she couldn't remember clearly.

"N-No, I don't think I did." Marinette quickly realized, suddenly swamped with horror in regards to the few nights her and Chat had spent together.

"Ah." Dr. Cavera furrowed her eyebrows, trying to figure a solution for the poor girl. "Are you at least still together with whoever you did it with?" In response, Marinette nodded quietly.

"In that case, I'd recommend solving things out. Here, take a pregnancy test just to ensure you're actually pregnant. There's a bathroom across the hall." The doctor directed, pointing her pen directly outside of the room the two females occupied.

"Thanks." She uncomfortably grinned and sprinted into the bathroom, slamming one of the stalls shut. Marinette closed her eyes, performing what she needed to do in order to check her pregnancy status. To her dread, it was positive.

"Miss, I-I need to go." The bluenette abandoned the bathroom and vacated the doctor's office with the pregnancy test that highlighted the word 'positive.'

She immediately went into her bedroom upon arriving at her house and Tikki flew to her with curiosity. "Well, what did they say? What was the problem? I have so many questions!"

"F-First of all," Marinette was a stuttering disaster. "I-I tested positive for pregnancy; t-two months in. S-Second of all, I don't even know who the father is under the mask. T-Third of all, I-I didn't recognize we didn't use protection!"

She burst into tears, shoving her face into one of her pillows located on her bed. Her kwami plopped on her shoulder and patted her back in an attempt to reassure the crying girl. "Mari, please remember what I said. Calm, deep breaths, slow and steady. Do whatever you need to do to get stress off your mind that isn't illegal, drug or alcohol related."

"Okay." Marinette didn't hesitate to follow Tikki's exact orders. Once she was calm, something so simple had to intervene. In fact, it was someone's grand and over exaggerated entrance from her rooftop.

To her agitated surprise, it was Paris' infamous superhero, Chat Noir.

Can't Resist This || MariChat [EDITED: 6/13/21]Where stories live. Discover now