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"I was having awful stomach pain and I didn't have my period for four months either. Which, I thought was unusual," the bluenette began, looking at her feet, filled with anxiety. "So, this morning, I went to the doctors, tested positive on the pregnancy test, and so forth." The feline nodded quietly, taking mental notes.

"I'm assuming the baby's mine?" Chat queried, crossing his legs.

"Of course. The only other person I've liked besides you is Adrien." Marinette flopped onto her bed, unleashing a rather loud sigh.

"Is something on your mind, Princess? I hope you understand that I'm going to take care of you no matter what happens; I'm not going to leave your side until you're completely okay." Chat said, attempting to comfort the fearful bluenette.

"It's just.. I'm not ready for a child. I still want to live a normal life before I get married." Chat had a minuscule concept and in order not to forget, he posed it as a suggestion to his girlfriend.

"Hey, you know what?" Chat rhetorically questioned, but regardless of what he said, Marinette listened anyway.

"Sooner or later, I'll reveal my identity to you. You and I will have to convince our parents that we've been engaged for a long time, in secret, prepared to get married." Chat gave her a warm smile, proud of his random idea.

"Will it create problems for us in the long run?" Marinette asked, her concerned tone distressing the hero. "I don't want a divorce, that's all.."

"I'll stay with you, I swear. I've always stayed by your side since you were fifteen years old and you've repaid the favor to me as well." Chat winked, making him suddenly ten times hotter to Marinette, which led her to become a blushing mess.

"You're such a dumb kitty with a massive amount of charm." She refrained from making eye contact with her boyfriend, covering her face with the side of one of her hands.

"See, Princess? Better yet, I swore to myself that I'd always be there whenever you're upset or in danger." The blond haired hero playfully booped her nose.

"Please keep those promises."

"I swear I will. If I don't, I'll ensure I'm dead by dawn the following day."

"Chat! Don't do that!"

"I probably won't. Although, the weight of my guilt will also fluctuate my emotions in the long run. C'mon, a superhero not protecting his girlfriend? His lady? His future wife?" Chat chuckled, ruffling Marinette's hair.

"I-I just did my hair!" Marinette became flustered furthermore and exclaimed in a playful tone, tackling Chat to the ground.

"Ooh, M'Lady has some aggressiveness bubbling in her blood, huh?" He laughed, the couple now play-fighting on Marinette's rug.

"Of course I do! I-I always do!" Marinette stammered and failed at attempting to sound resilient against her heroic boyfriend.

"Sureee!" Chat mockingly doubted her playfully, laughing harder, and continuing to tackle her more.

(A/N: I wonder if Marinette's mom is even slightly aware of what's occurring in her daughter's bedroom.)

Once they quit play-fighting, they wiped the joyful tears rolling down their cheeks and caught their breaths. The sun was finally setting and they leaned on Marinette's balcony rails, staring at the twinkling stars that were present in the mixture of pink and purple skies.

Chat glanced over at Marinette and murmured lovingly,

"The world needs more people like you."

Can't Resist This || MariChat [EDITED: 6/13/21]Where stories live. Discover now