E i g h t || S u r p r i s e

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"Mari!" The feline exclaimed, prepared to embrace her in one of his hugs, but in response to this, Marinette nervously stepped away from him.

"Umm.. there's something we need to discuss." She began to fidget with her fingers. "A-Are we boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Chat felt taken aback, but he tapped his chin in thought. "Hmm, well, I never really thought about it. I mean, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"Of course, but there's a slight problem." The bluenette, now filled with anxiety, stared at the floor.

"Y-You're going to have to care for me.. a lot." She simply said, deceiving her new boyfriend with the fakest grin plastered on her face.

"That's no problem to me!" He sweetly smiled, expressing his enthusiasm to commit to their newfound relationship. The fearful female couldn't obtain her plastic smile forever, so to deter from the awkward conversation, she said,

"U-Uh, I-I'll bring some pastries from downstairs." Marinette tightly gripped on the railing of her stairs to greet her mom, ensuring her trapdoor was shut behind her. If anything, she was grateful her father was at a baking convention.

"Hey, honey." Her mom joyfully, but casually greeted her daughter. Marinette's mood flipped almost immediately and she proceeded to bawl in front of her mother.

"M-Maman, I-I'm pregnant! I-I don't know how, but I-I don't know who the father is!" She sobbed, tears streaming down her pale face. Her mother pulled Marinette into a hug, soothingly rubbing her back to provide assurance to her daughter.

"I don't understand how you don't know who the father is, but it'll be okay. I'll take care of you, just don't tell your father, okay?" Marinette's mom tried to smile to cheer up her daughter.

"O-Okay." The bluenette sniffled and headed back into her bedroom, but paused beforehand, jogging back downstairs, and fetching some pastries. "T-Thanks, Maman." She took a deep breath, heading into her bedroom.

Marinette shut the door behind her and softly gasped, clasping her hands over her mouth in embarrassment. He stared at the various photos of Adrien Agreste that Marinette forgot to take off her walls.

"Who is this exactly? That's if you don't mind me asking." Chat raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend.

"Oh, Adrien? Didn't I tell you I used to have a crush on him?" Marinette asked the hero, but he shook his head in return.

"Hmm, okay." She began to slash away at the photos of Adrien, crumbling them up, and throwing them into her garbage can.

"Wait, why are you throwing them away?" Chat queried in a minor panic, but tried not to sound alarmed.

"He rejected me, he didn't feel the same way I felt for him. I stopped having a crush on him and fell for you instead." Marinette shrugged and emptied her trash out the window, completely unaware she was littering onto the Parisian streets.

"Oh?" Chat questioned, attempting to ignore her littering job. He didn't expect such hurtful, cruel words to spill out of her mouth. Deep down, inside of his secretly broken heart, he probably shouldn't have done what he did, but he did it because he was honest.

"I thought you'd be jealous." Marinette commented truthfully, expressing her surprise with her tone of voice. "I guess you're more mature than I thought," she teased.

"Y-Yeah!" Chat replied, visibly flustered. "I-I am more mature than you think!"

Marinette burst into laughter, falling over. "If you say so, Chat—"

"Oh, damnit! I hope I didn't hurt the baby—" she froze in the midst of her sentence.

"The baby..? Marinette, what's going on?"

Can't Resist This || MariChat [EDITED: 6/13/21]Where stories live. Discover now