T e n || N e w s

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Three months later..

Christmas and the feelings of cheer roamed the Parisian atmosphere. The city was lively, filled with holly and jolly. On the other hand, this particular day meant something completely different for Marinette.

"Happy five months to your existence," the bluenette murmured, glancing down at her stomach and rubbing it gently.

She was suddenly interrupted by a knock on her trapdoor. "Come in!" Marinette's announced with a cheerful and a familiar girl popped her head through the door, sprinting towards Marinette with her arms fully extended.

"Alya!" The paler female exclaimed as they embraced each other happily.

"Girl, you gotta update me on everything that's been happening! How've you been doing?" Alya queried, returning the joyful mood to her best friend.

"I've been alright," Marinette slightly hesitated, but thankfully that didn't faze Alya. "Regardless of how I'm currently doing, I'm happy to see you finally once again!"

"Yeah, everything has been amazing for me.. surprisingly. Nino proposed to me yesterday— look at my ring, we're now engaged!" The ombré haired girl held up her left hand, showing Marinette her ring present on her ring finger .

"Congratulations! Were you surprised?"

"A bit, yes. Part of me didn't believe Nino and I would make it past the 'boyfriend-girlfriend' stage."

"Well, I'm glad things have been okay with you." Marinette gave her a warm smile and in return, Alya grabbed one of Marinette's arms, practically dragging her down the stairs.

"Why don't you socialize with us? After all, your parents threw a huge Christmas party!" Alya grinned and Marinette desired to respond with the same enthusiasm, but in her honest opinion, she couldn't bring herself to do so.

"They invited Adrien too!" Alya dramatically pointed to the blond haired model across the bakery, but the slightly shorter girl wasn't phased by his presence.

"What's wrong? Don't you still have a crush on him?" Alya asked, furrowing her eyebrows with concern.

"Nope. I tried asking him out a few months ago, but he said he was forced to marry Chloé." Marinette sighed, snatching a cookie from one of the bakery displays.

"Ah. I see. Don't worry, It'll be okay." Alya patted her best friend's shoulder, doing her best to reassure the bluenette.

"Besides, I already have someone else in mind." Marinette smirked to herself, breaking away from Alya to steal more treats from the bakery exhibits.

"Huh?! Marinette, wait!" Alya jogged towards her, bewildered, but intrigued.

Marinette turned to face the curious girl. "Hmm?"

"Can you at least tell me who it is?" Alya attempted to query in the most sweet, convincing tone imaginable. She shook her head, frustrating Alya.

"Damn, you're harsh!" Alya followed her comment with a minuscule 'hmph,' forcing Marinette to stifle a chuckle in respect of her friend.

Will Alya like me after what I reveal tonight? Marinette thought to herself, looking at her feet with sudden anxiety. She shook her head, lightly facepalming to rid herself from her thoughts.

What am I thinking? If she's a true friend, she'll stay with me and accept my decision. Let's hope for the best, I guess?


The end of the party was nearing and Alya finally found Nino in the crowd, abandoning Marinette.
Before everybody was about to leave, the bluenette hesitated, about to commence her statement.

"Everyone, can I have your attention please?" She asked the horde, attempting to be as polite as she could. Everybody faced her, including her parents, and she let out a nervous sigh. Her hands shook, radiating with fear, and she unleashed a small, but shaky breath before speaking.

"P-People have been wanting to know what's been happening with my relationships. I-I wanted to simply announce something," Marinette paused and felt her eyes becoming more glassy with each passing second. "I-I'm engaged. M-More specifically, I'm engaged to Chat Noir." Everybody gasped in shock, hurting the most whenever seeing Alya and Nino upon that gathering.

"W-We've been engaged for nine months, thank you for listening." She stepped away from her makeshift podium and swiftly snuck into her bedroom.

While everyone was awkwardly saying their farewells, Adrien remained the furthest away from the crowd, smiling proudly.

Can't Resist This || MariChat [EDITED: 6/13/21]Where stories live. Discover now