T h i r t e e n || R e v e a l e d

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"M-Miraculous?" The male hero questioned, looking at the bluenette in surprise. He had seen her detransform, but he never thought a day would come where she'd actually admit that she was Ladybug.

"Yeah.." Marinette fiddled with her fingers, feeling suddenly anxious. She saw Chat's hand reach out to touch her shoulder, but he pulled his arm back to himself abruptly.

"It's okay, Mari," he softly murmured. "We all keep secrets from others. Even from the people we trust the most."

What her boyfriend said sent chills down the secret heroine's spine. Is he trying to point out something? If so, what the hell is trying to point out? What does he mean? Marinette thought to herself, attempting to decipher his words in her head.

"Uh.. okay." She looked at him, presenting slight confusion in her facial expression, beginning to walk up the Eiffel Tower stairs. He walked slowly behind her and Marinette couldn't resist looking at him suspiciously.

She quickened her pace up the stairs while he continued to walk slower. It was obvious: the faster Marinette went up the stairs, the slower Chat went behind her.

Halfway up the Eiffel Tower, the bluenette whipped around and glared at Chat. "Okay, something is seriously wrong. Tell me, for Paris' sake!"

Chat sighed, staring at his feet and refusing to reply to his girlfriend. Marinette tapped her foot impatiently. "Well?"

"I can't believe it was you." Chat shook his head in disbelief. Marinette's eyes widened as she noticed him gradually clenching his fists tighter following his statement. She stepped further up the stairs, away from him.

"O-Okay." Marinette replied, now filled to the brim with anxiety as he approached closer to her.

"I. Can't. Believe. It. Was. You." Chat said through gritted teeth as Marinette continued to step up away from him.

"What the hell is wrong? Just tell me!" Marinette exclaimed, his angered, emerald eyes meeting her quivering bluebell eyes.

"I'd suggest you stay here with me." Chat's reply indicated that he was calm, but Marinette knew damn well he was masking his wrath with seeming tranquility. He stepped up the stairs, his arms extended, demonstrating that he wanted to embrace her once again.

"N-No! Chat, I don't know what you've turned into, but this isn't you!" She shrieked, suddenly dashing up the stairs. Chat's eyes focused intently on her movements and he raced, without hesitance, after his girlfriend.

She thankfully found a sharp stick three fourths of the way to her destination and threw it at Chat with precision, seeing it get stuck in his belt. He hissed in frustration, attempting to free the stick from his belt. (A/N: #FreeStick2021).

Marinette smiled to herself and finally reached the top, gasping when she saw a little boy with her earrings. "Look, Mommy! I found some earrings just for you!" The little boy exclaimed merrily, offering his mom the earrings.

"Why thank you, my sweet angel!" The mom smiled warmly to her child. Before she was about to put one of the earrings into one of her earlobes, Marinette yelled, "Wait, those are mine!"

"T-Those are mine." She panted upon reaching the mother, at a loss for consistency of breath due to sprinting away from her unexpectedly insane boyfriend.

"Umm.. okay?" The mother, who was visibly confused, handed the earrings to Marinette. The bluenette slipped the earrings through her earlobes and swiftly hid Tikki in one of her jacket pockets.

"Thanks, ma'am!" She called to the mom and successfully ran back to the stairs, prepared to walk down with ease.

I honestly wonder where Chat went. I wonder if he had the opportunity to cool down, too, she thought and in that moment, Marinette unfortunately knew the answer to her pondering.

Chat stood at the exit of the stairs with a giant, villainous smirk on his face.

Can't Resist This || MariChat [EDITED: 6/13/21]Where stories live. Discover now