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Beep beep beep-

Your hand snaked its way out from under your plain white covers and slapped the snooze button on your alarm, allowing you a few more blissful moments of silence as you contemplated going back to bed.

You threw the covers off of you with a soft groan before slowly sitting up, blearily rubbing your eyes.

You glanced over at your desk where your computer sat, dismayed to see the keyboard piled with homework from last week that you had forgotten to do over the weekend.

"One more week, then summer." You reminded yourself, encouraging you out of bed despite the fact that it was a Monday.

You threw on the same clothes you did every day, after washing them of course, before hesitating at your bedroom door.

You had a strong feeling that you were forgetting something extremely important, yet you didn't know what.

You heard your pet named Steve bark behind you, reminding you that you had forgotten to feed them in your haste.

"Sorry Steve, here's your breakfast." You apologized, smiling slightly as you poured dog food into the dog's bowl.

The small dark brown puppy barked happily before crunching on its food, its tail wagging in content.

With a long sigh, you threw your backpack over your shoulder and trudged out the door, driving yourself to school.

During school, you didn't pay attention much as the feeling of forgetting something still lingered in your mind no matter how hard you tried to remember.

Instead of doing schoolwork, you watched Mark's videos as well as all of the other videos in your subscription feed until you had DnD club with your friends after school.

After eating out with your friends at McDonalds, you drove home and flopped down into your office chair by your desk, shoving aside your homework so you could watch one more video before bed.

Without realizing it, your eyes began drooping as you listened to Mark's melodic voice, causing you to instantly fall asleep.

What are games you guys like that Mark has played? Also let me know what you guys think so far! I know it's kinda boring now, but soon things will get rolling since the introduction is underway.

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