Chapter 6 - Boyfriend?

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To: Mr.GneissGuy

From: Goofball360

Sent 5:23 p.m.

How do you do it? How have you survived this long in public school? It is completely exhausting and I can't imagine what it would be like if I went full time.

I had a good day though!

 I made some friends and I know this is going to shock you but I also made an enemy! All in the span of like 4 hours. High school is a lot more interesting than I thought it was going to be. I thought that it was funny that the students are cattle called by a bell and scooted along a hallway towards different versions of stalls.

 It's kind of mind-numbing when you think about it. Having to take the same path/hallway every day to the same destination and teacher with the same group of kids. No wonder people are ready to graduate.

I do love my teacher though! She is super fun and sassy, so that helps make this whole thing worth it. How was your first day back? Did you get there on time? 

I whole heartily approve of your new shoes by the way! I'm sure the ladies loved your new kicks.

Now I know you have your heart set on dragging out the big reveal and what not, so I wasn't sure what I was supposed to tell you today. So I will start with the most basic, nondescript thing that I can think of.

The rock-climbing hobby I have is actually more than just a hobby.

I'll let you do whatever you want with that information. Just promise not to dig too hard because you might just find out who I am ahead of schedule, and then you will have to restrain yourself from traveling across the country to find me.

On second thought, I should have gotten to know who you are like, years ago but I'm not bitter about that.

At all.

Just impatient.

And super pumped to find out.

Okay Bye!


I sent that email a little later in the day then I wanted too, but I had decided to go for a run in the woods to help get rid of the nerves from my first day at school. The incident with Brynn was totally going to haunt my dreams tonight. 

No one has ever looked at me like that before and it was really unsettling. I needed a way to apologize to her but I was afraid that if I approached her now, I might not make it out alive.

I was now in the middle of cooking dinner when I heard my three favorite words, "You've got mail," chime from the countertop. I abandoned the stir-fry that was on the stove to check his response.


To: Goofball360

From: Mr.GneissGuy

Sent: 7:13 p.m.

So wait let me get this straight, you made both friends and an enemy all in the course of one day? (Hopefully not a boyfriend) (My heart would shatter) (into an infinite amount of pieces)(I would resemble a pile of gravel) 

 I'm sure whoever they are they don't deserve you. I don't deserve you either but I am going to ignore that and love you as best as I possibly can. I mean you know I already love you but still, it never hurts to be thorough when it comes to matters of the heart. (I know. I'm whipped but I could honestly care less)

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