Chapter 12 - What??

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"What?" I sputtered out, shifting out of his reach. I was not expecting that at all and I could feel a fog of anxiety start to block any coherent thoughts from forming in my head. I watched as Austin looked a little shocked at my reaction but composed himself quickly.

He reached out for my hand and held it firmly in his to keep me from backing away any further. He rubbed a soothing circle onto the back of my hand with his thumb.

"I said, will you go out with me tomorrow night?" his eyes danced with humor and he looked so hopeful my heart tried to physically reach out to him. He was so good looking my homeschooled heart didn't know how to handle it.

I looked back down at his shoes and was instantly reminded of Guy.

What if Austin wasn't him?

I had no evidence other than a common pair of shoes that at least a thousand other guys could own. I couldn't betray my best friend like that, not after all the years of friendship and promises we have made. If Austin was Guy, then I would know within 3 weeks and I could wait.

I had to.

I slipped my hand gently out of his and smiled regretfully, "No," I concluded, "Thank you though."

I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye so I turned to leave. I needed to get away from this unfairly charismatic boy before I made a decision I might regret.

He gently grabbed my hand again and pulled me back so that I was facing him again.

"Wait, no? Why not?" he asked with adorable confusion etching his face.

Raising my eyebrow, I gently slipped my hand out from his and shoved both of them into my pockets to avoid it happening again. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves before speaking, "It's just that, I, well I barely know you. We only just talked this morning so that hardly dignifies a date," I explained.

Judging by the look on his face, he has never been turned down before, which there is a very high chance that he hasn't. I've noticed how girls look at him at school and I honestly can't blame them. He's freaking hot.

However, if he was Guy, then this was going to be payback for all the years of his relentless teasing and flirting. Plus, he is asking someone out three weeks before we are supposed to meet, so the idiot is going to have some explaining to do. Saying no right now is a win-win situation.

"Well isn't that the point of a date? To get to know each other?" he tried to reason.

I shook my head no. I wasn't going to change my mind on this one. Now that it's finally hit me that I will soon be standing in front of the man of my dreams I didn't want to risk doing anything that might mess it up. Guy means the world to me, and it terrified me to no end that I could lose him.

Saying yes to Austin now could mess up the most important relationship in my life. I was strong and I could stop myself from developing feelings for anyone right now, especially Austin.

If he and I are meant to be then it will happen in three weeks. We can go get coffee and laugh over it then, but for now, I'm letting him down easy.

"I just don't think it's a good idea. I don't know you well enough to say yes. Maybe ask again in three weeks?" I smiled up at him, trying to read his reaction.

All I got was more confusion and then a flash of determination.

He smiled at me and leaned back against the wall, "I don't think I can wait three weeks, but trust me when I say that I am going to charm you into saying yes before then. You'll see Lana. You'll see," he smiled warmly at me, handling the rejection with grace as he tucked another curl behind my ear. "You look beautiful by the way."

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