Chapter 1

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I'm in the bathroom of Tommy's house, trying to fix my unruly hair. I never had this problem back in Minecraft... just saying. After trying for about an hour, I'm seriously thinking about giving up. With my hair, I mean. 

You know what? I'm not going anywhere special today. Ponytail it is. I tie my hair up with a rubber band, look at myself in the mirror, and sigh. Perfect.

I walk downstairs. Tommy is sitting at the table, writing something on a piece of paper. 

"Hey, Hunter," he says. "Got any plans today?" 

"If I did, I wouldn't be dressed like this," I reply. "What about you?"

"Actually, I have some news." He looks up at me and smiles. "Remember that college I opted to go to?"

"The one you told me a bazillion times that you weren't going to get into because you thought the teachers thought you were an idiot?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "That college?"

"Yeah, that one," he says. "Well... I got a phone call from the main professor... he says I got in!"

"No way!" I yell. I give him a big hug and kiss him on the cheek. "That's fantastic, Tommy! When did you get the phone call?"

"Yesterday at about noon," he says. "You were out shopping."

"Oh, and you didn't think about mentioning this to me at dinner last night?" I yell.

"Yeah... I wanted to tell you today because my first day is... tomorrow."

I smile. "I can't believe you made it in," I say. "And you said you wouldn't!"

"I lied!" Tommy jokes.

"You liar!"

He elbows me in the chest. I punch him lightly on the arm. Don't think we're beating each other up; we're constantly doing this to each other. It's just a joke. 

"So, since I'm leaving tomorrow, I was wondering, do you want to go somewhere for dinner?" Tommy asks, grinning.

"Sure, why not?" I say. "Where do you want to go?"

"There's a really good pizza place about a block away from here," Tommy replies. "We could go there."

"'Kay," I say. "I'm glad we aren't going somewhere too fancy. I don't look well-dressed at all."

"I think you look fine," Tommy says. 

"Oh, shut up," I say, rolling my eyes. "I look like I just ran a marathon."

"You look nice like that."

"Did you not hear me say shut up?"

Tommy laughs and turns his attention back to his paper. 

"Whatcha writing?" I ask, leaning over his shoulder. 

Tommy jumps, closes his notebook, and says, "nothing."

I say, "it doesn't look like nothing. What are you doing?"

"Okay, fine, it's something, but it's none of your concern," Tommy snaps, suddenly becoming mean.

"Okay, geez, I'll back off," I say, backing up. I pour myself a cup of water and drink it. Tommy turns around and says, "well, you gonna leave?"

What he says hurts me, but I say, "okay, I guess," and I walk upstairs.

 I collapse onto my bed. What is going on with Tommy lately? Something happened with him about a week ago. I was in his room and for some reason, he told me he loved Herobrine. Why in the world would he say that? Was he really crushing on Herobrine? Did Herobrine love him back? Did something happen between the two of them? Eight years ago, Herobrine said that Tommy may change his opinion of him in eight or nine years. Was this what he was talking about?


Finally. Hunter's gone. I open the book again and finish the final touches on the letter- a couple hearts, especially one that says H.B. + G.K. Finished. I look up the stairs to see if Hunter's spying on me. She isn't. Good. I quietly open the door and get in my car. 

I drive down the road and to the cemetery on the hill that I had visited eight years ago. I parked the car, walked up the path to the top. 

There is was. The grave that I had been looking for. I sit down next to it and touch the soil that would cover the body. 

"I know you're here," I say. "I'm here for you."

Then, I place down the note.

Dear Herobrine,
I don't know if you'll be able to read this note, but I hope you'll get it at some point. I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry about all of the trouble I gave you- both in the physical and digital worlds. The truth is, I've seen the error of my ways and I will gladly accept any punishment you wanna give me. But, I do have something to admit to you.
I love you. I love you more than anything else in the whole world. Nobody knows about my crush. But I think... you are an amazing person and you're handsome and kind and sweet and- we need to be together. Gamebrine needs to sail. You may think the whole 'boy x boy' thing is weird, but I really feel like we need to be a thing. 
Please get back to me soon. I'll be in NYU for the next four years, so if you want to contact me, I'll be there. 
P.S. Ships were meant to sail.

I take a step back and sigh. Part of me greatly wishes that Herobrine would rise up from the grave and hug me. But he doesn't. I look up at the sky and sit on my knees. 

"Please let him come back to me," I say to the grey clouds and a raindrop falls on my face. "I beg you, let him come back. I would do anything to have him back."

The rain starts falling harder and I stand up and run back down the hill. But I don't see the mysterious figure on top of Herobrine's grave lean down, pick up the note, and read it silently to himself...

Ships are Meant to Sail: Gamebrine Fanfiction (sequel to Possessed)Where stories live. Discover now