Chapter 14

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Rylueigh and I are sitting on the bed in her dorm room. She's sobbing, her hair's a huge mess, and she's shaking all over. 

"Rylueigh... what did he do to you?" I ask.

"He made me see things... that I didn't want to see..." she says.

"What?" I ask.

She takes a deep breath. "You, me, Bryanna, Sketchie, Cipher, and Night were alone in this really dark room. We had all woken up in there. Suddenly, Cipher, Night, and Sketchie all disappeared. Then Bryanna disappeared, and then you. I was alone. Herobrine appeared in front of me. I tried to run away, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. He forced me to... he..."

"Rylueigh, what is it?"

"He... she leans over and whispers in my ear, "he forced me to have *** with him."

"Holy crap!" I scream. "He actually- after he just- what the-" I look right at her. "Was that just in the vision? Please let that just be in the vision. Please say he did not actually do that when he just did it with another person."

"Be honest- do you want the truth or what you want to hear?"

"The truth."

"He actually did it."

"Oh my gosh," I say, leaning back on the bed. "I am so sorry. When he pushed you down on the ground- is that when-"

She nods. 

I hug her. "I'm sorry. But, out of curiosity, how was it?"

She shoots me a look and then shivers. "The worst thing in the world."

"I thought so."

Then, Night and Sketchie poke their heads through the door.

"You both okay?" Night asks. "We heard crying."

"We're okay. Just... Rylueigh's been through a lot."

They walk in and sit down. "What happened?" Sketchie asks.

I walk over and whisper it into their ears.

"OMG!" Night screams. "That is so wrong!"

"I'm leaving," Sketchie says, standing up.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"Anywhere that I can throw up."

Night runs over to Rylueigh and hugs her tightly. "I can't believe he did that!" she says. "And right after he got engaged, too!"

"It's worse than that," Rylueigh sighs. "He had already done it with Tommy about ten minutes before he did it to me."

"That's insane," Night says. "What does Tommy think about all this?"

"Er..." I say. "Tommy...doesn't know."


"He passed out right before Herobrine did it," Rylueigh tells her. "I don't know why he passed out, though..."

"Neither do I," I say. "Maybe he was just tired?"

"Or a little woozy," says Rylueigh. "I was."

"I hope he's okay," I say. 

"He'll be fine," Night says. "He's strong."

"Yeah," Rylueigh agrees.

"Okay, I get it," I say. "I'll stop worrying about Tommy. In the meantime, Herobrine better watch out because if I find him he's gonna have a rainbow of words comin' at him-"

"Diamond, we're all mad at him, but don't go swearing your head off," Rylueigh says.

"How can you say that? What he did is probably the worst possible thing you can do to a human being!"

I stand up. "Look, guys, I need to go talk to him."

"Why?" asks Night.

"Nobody harms my friends and gets away with it," I growl. 

I open the door and run out.


It's been three days in wherever I am and Stitcher still hasn't stopped. If she wanted to kill me, she shouldn't be taking breaks because she's giving me time to regenerate. Not that I'm complaining.

There's still the matter of how I got here that I need to figure out. I remember fainting in that room and then waking up here... or am I awake? Am I just in the Land of Dreams or something? 

Yes! The Land of Dreams! That HAS to be it. 

Wait. If I'm actually only asleep, maybe I can try to move so whoever's in the room will see me. I hope this works...

I start to roll around on the soft ground. When I don't feel anything, I bounce around. Come on, please wake up, I think. 

Then- miracle of miracles- I feel myself being lifted from the Land of Dreams and back into reality.

I wake up on the floor of my dorm. Diamond is standing over me.

"Tommy, are you okay?" she asks. 

"Yeah...I'm okay," I answer. I sit up and look around. "Where's Herobrine?"

"I don't know; I was about to ask you the same thing," she says. 

I stand up. "We've gotta find him."

"Tommy, no, you've just fainted, we have to get the nurse-"

"No!" I repeat. "We need to find him!"

"Tommy, listen to me. Look at you! You can barely stand up! I have to take you to the nurse's office. It won't be a while. Then we can go look for Herobrine."

"But- but-"

"No buts. Come on."

Diamond helps me walk out the door and across the campus. I didn't realize how far away the nurse was. That isn't good, if someone is, like, fatally hurt, it should be closer. Diamond moved quickly for some reason... I guess she thought I was gonna faint again.

We finally reached the office. Diamond opened the door and says, "hi, I'm Diamond, and this is Tommy. He fainted about ten minutes ago."

"Goodness!" the nurse exclaims. "Why don't you lie down, Tommy, and I'll call your parents?"

"Er..." I hesitate for a moment. "I don't have parents. They died about eight years ago."

"I'm sorry to hear that," says the nurse. "Do you have any guardian I can contact?"

I shake my head.

"Okay... well, get some rest. I think you should stay in here for the night."

"Yes, ma'am," I say.

Diamond helps me into the bed and then says, "I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"See you."

For a second, I just lie wide awake, staring at the ceiling, and then I hear it.

"Gameknight? What're you doing here?"


Ships are Meant to Sail: Gamebrine Fanfiction (sequel to Possessed)Where stories live. Discover now