friends, maybe?

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alright so I guess everything is cool with us now? I mean we were talking in class and he was being nice so I guess we're cool now. the only thing that's not cool is the fact that my other friends want to fight him like ?? bitch just stop. he's my friend and I love him and I don't want to see him hurting.

anywayyyyy last night I had a dream and uh he was in it so let me explain: basically I was about to leave school before spring break and he stopped me. he like somehow turned me around said ">insert full name< will you go out with me?" and I said yes and we kissed. like, passionately. really. passionately. that part honestly felt so real like I thought I could feel it. it was so surreal. and since I barely remember my dreams, I look them up if I do. so it said something about thinking about our past postively which is pretty accurate and saying something about starting a new phase in our lives which is very accurate.

I told my friend about it and we ended up spending the whole class (tech Ed) looking up dream meanings and not doing our work. then I had the actual class I have with himself. so that's fun. this time I actually sat with him and another girl sat with us.

looking back it's probably a really good thing I was there so I wouldn't get super jealous over it just being him and her.

also, thank god no one in that class follows me and if you do, fuck you. how'd you get here and why are you looking at my account?

now there's people outside yelling lmao. MY DAD JUST CALLED ME A WEINER WHAT THE FUCK IM TRYING SO HARD NOT TO LAUGH. and now he wants to know what I'm typing uhhhhh I just told him about three words (self promo: go read that before I flip) yeahhhhh so uh I'm bored and tired. I also really like updating this more. I guess that's all I'm going to say for now 

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