Ark is our Ark

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The room was dark and quiet. The only sounds heard were the sharp, shallow breathes that the girl emitted. The concrete walls were cold and hard, the floor was something the girl couldn't recognize, they were black and like the wall, very cold.

She couldn't remember how long shed been in here, she could barely even remember what she looked like, its as if you loose all perception of time when you enter the room. The door would occasionally open, but only when the man would bring her food, stale bread every other day, sometimes it would be everyday, but only when she behaves, and doesn't try to escape. The only other reason that the door would open is for the healer to come and check her wound.

She'd been in there for so long, she's even forgotten the sound of her own voice. What was her name again? Lexa? The girl briefly tried to stand up, then a sharp pain appeared in her lower abdomen. She lifted her shirt slowly, and saw a little blood flow out of her wound.

 Fuck, she thought, I tore my stitches.

A loud thud echoed the room, and the girl rested her head against the wall.

It'll be days before the healer comes back, she thinks, by than I could bleed out.

The girl tries to think, tries to remember anything, but she just...can't. She tries, and tries, and tries. She shuts her eyes and wills herself to remember something, anything.

Lexa, she thinks, thats my name... right? Yes! Lexa! I'm... 20? No, 21... Clarke... Clarke? Who's Clarke?...


The sound of her own voice spooked her a bit, but, the name just feels so natural comming off of her lips, like it was meant to be said. Like she was meant to say it.

She wanted to remember, she needed to remember, she needed to remember. Perhaps the name would remain faceless for ever, perhaps she'll never remember the name the somehow brings her so much joy.



Polis was a beautiful place, the houses were small and quaint, the streets were full of people, little shops and posts, children running around... the sound was music to Clarkes ears.

She'd spent a significant time in this place, almost two years, one of which was spent with Lexa, the other without.

As Aden had now become Heda, Skaikru was now officially apart of the Coalition, as he had honored Lexa's decision to do so. Most of what Lexa had done, Aden had not revoked it, as he felt it was not in his place to do so, even if he is heda.

After what happened with Tondc, most of the citizens of Polis started to wonder about Lexa's leadership, and if she was really true and loyal to her people. She was. She did what was best for her people, always. So when she abandoned Clarke at Mount Weather, most of her people agreed with her.

Even now, most of the people of Polis were loyal to Lexa, and since they knew that Aden was Clarke's favourite Nightblood, they were loyal to him- are loyal to him.

Sometimes Aden will invite Clarke to Polis, knowing that she somewhat considered it home. As Lexa's passing had shook the people of Polis, and Aden was not ready to be commander, nor did he feel comfortable taking Lexa's room, it was reserved for Clarke or Octavia when they would come to visit.

Raven would normally tag along with Octavia when she took her trips to Polis, as she didn't want to be away from the taller girl, she couldn't be away from her.

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