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Lexa let out a slow and soft cough, her hands instinctively went to clutch her stomach. Her head falls back, hitting the wall behind her and sending out a thumping noise that echoed through out the room. She closed her eyes and began to wonder when John was coming back. Surely it would be soon, she thought.

She couldn't remember the last time that he had showed up to bandage her wounds. Her eyes began to tremble in the back of her head as she attempts to stand up. She retracts one of her arms behind her, and picks up something she never thought that she would ever touch in her whole life. She hovered her finger over the trigger, and waited for her captor to enter.

She lets out a deep breath, and attempts to stand up. She puts her free hand on her knee, and uses her legs to slowly push her self up. Her left foot cracks, giving out on her, making her fall back to the ground.

"C'mon,"She whispers to herself, "Its now or never."

She grabs a-hold of the wall, presses both feet flat on the floor, and tries her best to stand up. When her body is half way up, she holds it, giving her body the time it needs to recharge. She closes her eyes, and pushes her self up the rest of the way. She re-positioned her hand on the wall, and used it to help her walk around the room.

Once she reached the indent to where the door was, she stopped. She looked at the gun in her hand, and took a deep breath.

"Only three bullets," John had told her, "Gotta make em' count."

Lexa stood there and waited for what seemed like an eternity. All of a sudden, she heard a set of footsteps. She took another deep breath, and raised her gun.

"Don't. Move."

Titus put his hands up, and shifted his weight between his feet. Lexa noticed how bad the mans hands were shaking.

"What part of 'don't move' is unclear to you?"

"Forgive me, Heda," Titus spoke, "I never meant to cause you harm."

"No? Than what were you planning to do? Kill Clarke?"

"This alliance would have costed you your life Heda."

"That was not you decision to make and you know that." Lexa argues, as she pressed the gun to the back of Titus's head.

"I couldn't risk it," Titus shook his head, and turned to face Lexa, "Those people are not to be trusted."

"I think you're the one who's not to be trusted. Correct me if I'm wrong, but none of them went as far as to shoot and kidnap me." Lexa hovers her finger over the trigger, ready to shoot Titus.

"Heda, you have to listen to me." Titus pleads.



Clarke Griffin didn't like to wait. She hated waiting. She didn't like the agony and anxiety that it brings, but she was very familiar with waiting. She waited almost 18 years before she was brought down here. She waited for ever to get over Finn, and than she waited until she could be with Lexa.

Now she had to wait to see if Lexa was even alive, and she thought that it was unfair. She shouldn't have to wait for something like this, not when it was tearing her apart.

When the sun hid behind the trees, Clarke knew that she should make her way to the gate. She slung her bag over her shoulder. She had in it everything that she thought that she would need. Bandages, water, extra rations, and a small handgun, if needed it's fully loaded, but she hoped it isn't needed.

She only had to wait a few moments for Raven and Octavia to reach the gate. They were so close together, they might as well be intertwined. Their hands always brushing up against each other, their shoulders staying against each other, and their hips bumping into each other with every step they took.

The sight made Clarke roll her eyes. The two were always like that, always so lovey-dovey, even though they're not really even together.

"What are you rolling your eyes at, Griffin?" Octavia teased, as the pair joined Clarke at the gate.

"You two." Clarke smirked, as she nudges her shoulder with Octavia's, making Raven stumble slightly.

"Bitch." Octavia said as she tried to help Raven stedy herself.

Clarke laughed at her two best friends.

Soon after Clarke was done teasing her two friends, Bellamy and Murphy walkes out of Arkadia, the both seem very pissed about something.

"I can practically smell the testatrone from here." Octavia says as she rolls her eyes in the back of her head.

"Not a good smell." Raven says.

"Are we just saying that because we're all gay?"

"Mmm, none of us are gay Clarke. You mean bi."

"Close enough."

"Did this bitch just-"

Before Raven could complete her scentence, the boy's bickering was becoming audible, and very anoying every second the sound grew.

"Just because you don't like me doesn't mean you have to be a dick, Bellamy."

"I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it means."

"Jesus." Raven rolled her eyes, as the trio wated for the two boys to get to the gate.

"How the hell are we suposed to get there? Fly?" Octavia asked, it was aimed at no one imparticular.

"Oh, about that-" Before Bellamy could finish, the sound of hooves hitting the ground could be heard, it was faint, but still audible.

Anya and Indra, along with four extra horses arived at the gate.

"I thought we weren't telling anyone, Bellamy." Clarke said, a hit of anger in her voice.

"They're her people."

"So what does that make us?"

"Their people."


The ride to the Ice Nation was long and treacherous, full of small banter, but it was mostly quiet, with the exception of Raven and Octavia. As Indra and Anya only brought four extra horses, two had to double up. It was quiet obvious to the team that Octavia and Raven should be the ones to be on the same horse.

"How much longer, O?" Raven asked, as she rested her head onto Octavia's back.

"Not much longer, my little bird." Octavia anwsered, making Clarke playfully roll her eyes.

After about two more hours of riding, a loud bang went off.

"What the hell was that?" Bellamy exclaimed, as he stopped his horse.

"John are we close?" Indra asked, as she looked around her surroundings.

John slowly got off his horse, the rest followed. He looked around, trying to remember where Titus held Lexa.

His lips twitched, as he spotted the entrance in the distance.

"Over there." He said, as he pointed to it.

Indra and Anya looked to where he was pointing.

"Azgeda war bunker. It was abandoned when the coalition began." Anya says, as she slowly steps towards it.

"No." Indra says, as she puts her hand out. "That's where the shot was."

"She's in there, and the longer we wait the close Titus could be to getting here." Murphy said.

"Clarke, it's your call." Bellamy says, as he turns his head to the blonde haired girl.

"Bell she could be down there..." Clarke said.

Okay." Bellamy said.

The group walked to where Murphy had pointed, slowly and carefully. The close they got, the more noise they heard. Grunts, it sounded like. It was the grunts of someone that was in pain. Murphy, being the only one to have been there before, took the lead.

He stopped at the door, and turned around to look at Clarke. She nodded to him, singling to open the door.

With one hard push, the door to the bunker opened.


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