John Fucking Murphy

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"I don't know why you bother trying." The healer had said one day, just after he had finished sewing back up Lexa's wound. He was tall, but not as tall as Lexa. His hair was dark brown, and he had a small scar across his neck- it was almost unnoticeable-, like someone had tried to kill him, strangle him maybe.

"I could either stay down here and die a coward, or fight my way out and die a hero." Lexa says to the man. He laughs- it was a pity laugh, Lexa was sure of it- and looks at Lexa.

"What's your name?"

"It's John, but most people call me Murphy." He says to her.

"Murphy, do you know where we are?" Lexa asks him. He stands still for a moment, debating on which he should tell her or not.

"How much do you remember? About your life?" Murphy asks. He slips on his jacket, and shivers slightly.

"Not much..." She replies, "Clarke... does that name mean anything to you?"

"So you do remember?" Murphy sits down next to Lexa.

"No." Lexa shakes her head, "I only remember the name."

"I'm not sure if I'm the one who should be telling you this..." Murphy breathes out, as he puts his face in his hands.

"We'll, you're the only person who I ever see..." Lexa says.



Raven walks- or rather limps- over to the to the rover which had just pulled into hanger bay. The team was just now getting out, and Raven noticed a few people in the back of the rover. Some of them looked young, some old, some she even recognized from the Ark. The one thing she didn't see was the generator.

"Where is it?" She said as soon as Bellamy and Octavia got put of the rover. Miler, Monty, and Harped helped the extra people off the given and led them into medbay.

"We didn't get the machine." Bellamy says. Clarke walks up to the trio of people, adding herself to the conversation.

"It didn't survive landing?" Clarke asks.

"No, it did. But I had a choice, bring the machine home or use it to save them." Bellamy says, as he motions towards the now freed slaves.

"Oh, we are so screwed." Raven says. She runs her fingers through her hair, and shifts her weight back and forth on her feet.

"We have time." Octavia tries to reassure Raven, but the smaller girl holds up her hand, telling Octavia go stop talking.

"I am not sacrificing any more innocent lives." Bellamy says.

"You just did." Clarke argues.

"I made the call and I'll live with it." He says to Clarke.

"Yeah, you're not the only one who has to live with your call, as usual." Raven snaps.

"Go tell them. Go tell that little girl I should've left her to die." Octavia says, making Ravens head snap towards the girl that Abby was helping.

"Okay, how many of us will the ship sustain without a hydro generator?" Clarke turns to Raven, making the Latin girl retain her focus on the conversation, turning her head back to her friends.

"No more than a hundred." She says.

"What am I supposed to tell the people now?" Clarke asks in a shakey tone.

"The truth."


The Ark was much different from what Murphy had remembered. It was almost a skyscraper, bending high up into the clouds. There was a fence surrounding it- high voltage, he had taken note of that- and a tall tower just by what looked to be a gate.

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