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"Hey," Raven speaks, she holds a rolled up piece of paper, and walks over to the team with Clarke at her side. "A blueprint for the hydro generator. And don't forget it's filled with hydrazine that combined with oxygen can make water so go slow."

"And the hydrazine could go boom, I know. Raven, I got this. Don't you have a ship to fix?" Monty rolls his eyes, and continues loading up the rover.

"Battery's full," Bellamy points out, "If we're lucky we won't have to stop to recharge."

"Even luckier if Roan's seal will work it's supposed to. If you get in trouble, just show this." Clarke pulls out the seal the Roan gave her. Its raped in a blue cloth like substance. She hands it to Bellamy.

"Got it, thanks." He smiles, and hands the seal to Octavia, who was loading up the rover with Monty, "You could still come with us."

"No," Clarke shakes her head, "I can't. Arkadia is just plan B, it doesn't help the Grounders. I'm not stopping until we have a solution that saves everyone."

"We save who we can save today." He says, as he closes the back of the rover. He nods to Clarke, as if to say goodbye.

"Alright, let's go!"


"We've got a lot of work to get ready for winter. Sector four, crack in the outer wall we need to patch it up, start by repairing the damaged panels. Sector five we need to get that tree out of the hole and seal it up. Any questions?" Raven looks around to the volunteers, the all seem to understand, so they stay silent, some even nod. "Ok, go."

Raven sighs, at the rate of which people are helping, it'll take a few months to repair the ship, a few months too long, the black rain would already be there.

"You ok?" Clarke asks, as she walks over to Raven. She shakes her head.

"There was so much to do and I get a total of five volunteers to help me fix the ship?" Raven says.

"It's a start." Clarke points out, as she watches the men- and one women- file into the Ark.

"I can't run this repair alone, Clarke." Raven starts, "Even if I had complete mobility. Even if Sinclair was still alive. Who the hell am I giving orders, I'm-I'm not the chief."

"I'm not the Chancellor. But here we are. For what it's worth, there's nobody I trust to do this more than you. As soon as Bellamy gets back with that machine, we go public with everything and get you the help that you need." Clarke gives Raven a reassuring smile. Footsteps could be heard as Jaha approaches the two girls.

"Am I interrupting?" He asks, his hands behind his back.

"What do you want?" Raven bites back, a cold hard glare could be seen in her eyes.

"I was an engineer before I was Chancellor. I supervised the redesign of sector five." He says, not addressing the look that he received from Raven

"And how many people died in sector five from the Culling when you sucked the air out of their lungs?" Raven snaps.

"Forty-two." Java says calmly, "Would you like to know their names?"

Exasperated, Raven walks away, her head pounding and rage bubbling in the pit of her stomach.

"Raven, wait," Clarke says, making the girl with the leg brace stop in her tracks, "We could use the help."

"You do know he made me cut my wrists to force your mom to take the chip, right?" Raven says, her back still facing the pair.

"He was chipped, too." Clarke defends Jaha.

"He searched for the City of Light. He brought ALIE here. He showed her how to overcome free will." Raven crosses her arms, still in disbelief that they're still having this conversation.

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