Pretty sure you had a cult for a while too.

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"Murphy i swear to god if you're lying-" Clarke pases around the room, chewing on her fingernails, a habit that's she's gotten quite used to- Lex used to do it too, when she was nervous.

"I'm not." Murphy scratches behind his neck, and lets out a loud sigh. "I could take you to her, before she gets moved again."

"Moved?" Raven asked.

"Yeah. The guy who keeps her moves her every month or so, gets her a new healer. My month is almost up." Murphy explains to the group.

"Where is he keeping her?" Clarke asked. A part of her always knew she was still alive, but Clarke never listened to that part much.

"Right on the southern outskirts of Azgeda territory." Murphy says.

"Why so far?" Bellamy asks.

"So no one can find her." Octavia answers for Murphy. She looks at Clarke, she looks... Hopefull.

"Murphy, do you know the name of the man who's keeping her?" Bellamy asked, as he notices how on edge Clarke looks.

"Clarke... do you remember that grounder who took me? The one who shot Lexa?" Murphy says, as he tries to remember the name of that bald man.

"Titus?" Clarke stops dead in her tracks, and looks at Murphy. He looks at Clarke, and nods slowly.

"Yeah, Titus." Murphy says, "I've only talked to him few times, but he seems like a lunatic."

"Fuck." Clarke puts her elbows on the table, and sets her head in her hands as she emits out a low shakey breath. Everything she thought she knew was wrong, Lexa's alive, she always kept telling her self, I know she is.

After a while she just... Gave up hope, hopeless for one year, thirteen days, seven hours and fourty-six minutes.

Clarke's emotions ran ragged through her body. She didn't know what to do, she didn't know how to feel, what to feel. It's as if the world stopped, it was just her, she was alone, no one left to save her, love her...

She didn't know if she should believe Murphy, but she wants too. She wants to believe, that the love of her life is still out there, waiting to be found. That she could find her, and she would fall even more in love with the green eyed girl. She wants to be with Lexa, but she doesn't know of what Murphy's saying is true.

If it is true, then she gets to see Lexa again. She wants to get to hold her again, get to teach about the past, get to say those three words that Clarke always wanted to say, but never had the guts to

But, if Murphy's lying... Then she risks getting her heart broken again. She gets to risk all of her hope and live that she has for the people and things around her because she's too busy mourning over Lexa. She would risk hating Murphy- more - and risk her sanity.

"When can we go? When is the soonest we can go?" Octavia asked for Clarke, knowing the blonde haired girl would never ask that question.

"Tonight maybe, sundown." Murphy shrugged.

"Okay, but just us five, no one else, no until were sure Murphy isn't lying." Clarke says.

"I'm not lying." Murphy rolls his eyes, "What did I ever do to make you all hate me so much?"

"You shot Raven."

"You hung Bellamy."

"You're a dick."

"You're also a thief."

"Plus a murderer."

"Pretty sure you had a cult for a while too."

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