The Sire Bond - Kol Mikaelson

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Quietness creeps through your tight knit apartment. The floorboards squeak and the silent hum of the furnace comes through the vents.

All you can hear loud enough to really make out is your own steady breath. Sitting on the edge of your bed you suddenly hear a loud knock on the window.

You walk over and quickly uncover the window from its curtain.

It's Kol Mikaelson. He waits outside, clinging to the siding of your apartment building.

You open the window and he whips inside out of the freezing cold air.

"Kol, what are you doing here?" You ask him.

"I came to see you, Y/N." He replies.

"And whys that?"

Kol steps closer to you. Almost too close. You can feel his near cold breath on your body and he can most likely feel yours.  You and Kol have been good friends for a while now, he's always been very trusting and very protective of you. Lately though the vibe has changed with him and you. Everything seems to be just a little awkward and something has started growing between you. 

You wonder if he feels this same attraction but could never have the nerve to ask. That's just completely out of the question.

"I'm sorry" he says stepping back.

You shake off his breath and turn around.

"Y/N." He says impulsively.

You turn back around to find him even closer than before. You both meet eyes and stare. He nudges forward and you know what is coming next.

You want to pull away. Something like this is what ruins amazing friendships but you can't seem to move. Kol has you frozen on the spot.

His face moves closer to yours. He looks in your eyes as if searching for approval. Giving into him you move forward and kiss him. The gentle kiss could almost send a tear down your cheek.

After a few seconds you pull away and whisper in his ear.

"Do it." You say ever so quietly. "Turn me. We must be together forever."

He steps about a half step back and looks at you with a desirable smirk on his face.

This may be a stupid move but you want this. You want Kol. You want this life.

Kol lifts his wrist up to his mouth. Without a second thought he bites into his veins. He steps forward and holds his wrist out to you, offering it to you.

You take his wrist and hold it to your mouth. You immediately feel the warmth of the liquid on your lips. The smooth blood slips down your throat and the taste of copper engulfs you.

Then black. Nothingness.


As you open your eyes, everything seems new to you. Like this is a new world your awakening into. You can hear the hum of the furnace and the fridge loudly as if they were held to your ear. Overwhelming even.

Kol helps you up.  Looking you up and down, he asks if you feel okay.

"I feel strange but good." You say through teary eyes. You don't know why your crying but it keeps coming.

"You must feed to complete your transition. Here." He hands you a blood bag.

You immediately hold the bag to your mouth and drink. At first it tastes metallic but then it starts to taste amazing. You can't even describe the taste but you can't get enough of it.

You finish off the blood bag and look at Kol still tears run down your face.

"I don't know why I'm crying. I'm sorry" you say sobbing now.

"Everythings heightened right now. Come here." He looks at you with a caring expression and pulls you into a hug.

You rest your head on his chest. You breath in deeply the smell of safeness and comfort.

"It's okay. I'll help you. Your safe now. Your with me." He whispers to you.

You pull away from his hug and stand in front of him. You automatically repeat what he said.

"I'm okay. You'll help me. I'm safe with you. I'm with you."

You feel everything that you said. And everything that Kol said is what you need to believe.

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