Chapter 3

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The five returned to the Garrison and walked their horses into the stables; they made sure each horse had some water and hay before leaving. They walked towards the BB and entered; inside they saw Constance writing something down before handing over a key. They all smiled, especially Kayley who missed the woman the most. They approached as the woman turned around to do something but froze at the sight "oh're back!!" she exclaimed before rushing over; she hugged each musketeer as a few tears fell. "Does this mean the war is over??"  the woman asked earning many nods "yeah, the war is over" D'artagnan stated, followed by his sister "and we won!!". The woman properly looked at the teen and was more then shocked, just like the Queen "look at you,'ve grown!!" they all laughed. It was true, Kayley had changed the most out of all of the musketeers; she'd grown up, finished puberty, and of course you could see she was a soldier of war with the scars. "Could we have he keys for our rooms please Madam??" Aramis asked with his classical smoulder; Constance laughed "four years passed and that still doesn't work on me, but yes, you can" she unlocked a draw and pulled out the keys, handing the correct ones to the correct musketeer. They walked up the stairs, Porthos and Aramis entered their shared room whilst Athos and D'artagnan did the same; Kayley entered her room which was now her own due to her brother moving in with his boyfriend - they had moved everything around before they left. She made herself a warm...ish bath before striping down and getting in; she closed her eyes and relaxed, welcoming the quiet and peaceful moment. After 40 minutes, Kayley had washed her hair and body, as well as relaxed, before getting out and drained the water; she dried off and changed back into her clothes, tying her damp hair up into a ponytail with the ribbon. Attaching her sword and gun to her belt and sliding the small dagger into the side of her boot; she placed her hat on before leaving the room. Just as she locked the door and turned around, she bumped into someone; whoever it was placed their hand on her shoulder to help the teen keep her balance. Looking up, Kayley saw it was Athos, her brother behind him. "Oh hey, sorry" they smiled and began to walk back downstairs where they found the other couple waiting "come on you three" Porthos insisted, wanting to go; they all laughed at his eagerness but couldn't disagree. They asked Constance if she wanted to join them, but she couldn't "I need to keep an eye on this place, but I'll have a drink with you when you return" she promised. With that, the five left and made their way through the streets; they were different but still recognisable.

"Haha!! My baby!!" Porthos exclaimed as they approached their well-known Tavern; Kayley just laughed as they entered. They whole room turned silent as they did, all eyes on them in happiness and amazement; they stood in front of everyone for a moment before they all began to clap and cheer. The musketeers shared a fold look as they began to walk past everyone; people patted them on the back as they did. They reached the bar where the owner of the Tavern smiled with glee as he and some barmaids got them their drinks "everything you have tonight is on the house!!" the owner exclaimed to the musketeers. Porthos clapped and rubbed his hands together whilst Aramis, D'artagnan and Athos smirked, and Kayley just shook her head but laughed at her friends. They grabbed their drinks and sat down in the corner of the room; Porthos raised a brow at the teen who just rolled her eyes "I'm eighteen Porthos, old enough to drink" the man wasn't sure "oh leave the girl be Porthos, you began drinking when you were younger than her" Aramis stated. Kayley had yet to properly drink alcohol thanks to the bear like man; he seemed to have a problem with her drinking for some reason. The teen had gone along with it, only having the odd drink on the rare occasion, but it would only be a small drink. But tonight, they were meant to be celebrating winning the war, for leading their soldiers into battle, her brother's were going to be drinking so she wanted to drink as well. "Aramis has a point Porthos, Kayley is of age to drink if she wants to" Athos added; the man sighed and gave up "fine, just...don't drink too much". Kayley smiled and winked at the man "I won't, I want to be about to get up early since we have work tomorrow, remember??" they chuckled at that. It was 8 at night and to celebrate, people were singing, dancing, drinking, making out, talking and laughing; it was very entertaining to see. Everyone was enjoying themselves as quite a few of the soldiers that lived in Paris had turned up at the Tavern and celebrated with their leaders. At 11 O clock, that was when Kayley decided it was time to call it a night; she was true to her word and only had two large bottles of beer. Her brothers on the other hand, had nearly twenty bottles all together, so they were completely drunk. Shaking her head at the three, Kayley stood up and told them "come on, time to go home" the four pouted as Aramis stated that "the night is still young" the teen raised a brow at how they sounded like little children "no it's not, and we have work tomorrow, so come on" she left no room for argument. The four immediately did as told...or tried to at least; they were completely different types of drunken men. Athos could handle his drink so when he is drunk, he can at least stand and not stumble or fall too much; D'artagnan tend to look like he's about to pass out when he walked drunk, eyes sometimes closing and his head bobbing around everywhere. Porthos too was good at handling his drink, but when he was drunk, he tend to try to wonder off to either continue drinking or play a game of 'shoot the watermelon off of someone's head'; Aramis was the same as D'artagnan but he would become clingy towards his boyfriend, leaning on his and wrapping his arms around him, not that Porthos was complaining. Kayley led them out of the Tavern and managed to pull them along the streets whilst laughing; the four men were singing very loudly a song about returning from war.

It took a while, but the teen finally got her brother's back to the B&B where Constance was cleaning up; she laughed like never before when she saw who was the source of the singing was. "It's never a dull moment when your five are around" she giggled as she finished cleaning; Kayley agreed before taking the man to their rooms; Athos managed to take himself and D'artagnan to their own shared room whilst she took the other couple. Once she made sure Porthos and Aramis were okay in their room, Kayley ran over to the other room and saw her brother and his boyfriend past out on the bed, lay in each others arms; she smiled before filling a bucket on water for Athos. Once done, the girl returned to Constance who was sat down with to glasses of water; they sat and spoke for thirty minutes before declaring they were both tired. Before Kayley could return to her room, she realised something and sighed "I left my hat at the Tavern, I'll be back soon" she stated before leaving again in a hurry; she was tired and wanted to sleep but knew if she didn't get her hat now, it would be gone by morning. Walking through the town, it was completely silent....except the echoes of people celebrating in the Tavern. Before Kayley could reach the Tavern though, someone stepped out of the shadows wearing a cloak, blocking her path; the teen stopped and placed her hand on her sword, prepared for anything. The person seemed to chuckle "calm yourself Kayley, after all I am" they removed the hood "a friend, aren't I??". Kayley's eyes widened in surprise but she relaxed "Milady De Winter??" the woman smirked "the one and only". They approached on another "I take it you were returning to the Tavern to get this??" Milady removed her hand from behind her back to reveal the girls hat "yes I was". The woman smiled as she placed it on Kayley's head "there" the girl returned the smile "how long have you beem here?? In Paris??" she asked; the woman thought for a moment "well, I came here the day you left for war, travelled around a bit since there was nothing here for me, then I returned a yesterday to see if you had come back" she explained. Kayley was indeed surprised "you came back...because of me??" she asked confused "why?? Don't you have family and friends to be with??" Milady sighed "remember what I told you the day we met, thanks to my murderer title, I have no one" she explained "and besides, we're friend, are we not??" she asked with a smile; the teen nodded "of course". They both began to walk together down the streets as they spoke about the war until they reached the B&B "I better go, I have work tomorrow and if the others see you with me, they won't be happy. especially Athos" Kayley stated as they stood at the door "I suppose you're right" Milady smiled "good night Kayley" she began to walk away "good night Milady". And with that, the teen entered the building and returned to her room, changed out of her uniform before lying down on her bed and falling to sleep; she was exhausted after all.

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