Chapter 12

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The two ran out of the stables and towards the servants quarters where they saw the Spaniard rush over to; Kayley kept looking over her shoulder to make sure Derek was still there. Every time she did, he thankfully was. Entering the servants quarters, Kayley drew out her sword and gun whilst Derek grabbed one of the lit torches off of the wall; it was pretty dark. The teenager also handed the man a spare gun "you know how to use it??" Kayley asked earning a nod "yes, but I can't say I use one as frequent as you so my aim might not be great" Derek explained earning a nod and smile "don't worry, it's just for if I can't protect you for some reason". They hurried through the tunnels and searched each of the servants, maids and guards small rooms; he wasn't in any of them. "So how do you know this guy??" Derek asked as they left another room; Kayley sighed "I don't know him personally, but I recognised him from the battlefield...he was one of the Spain's best soldiers which isn't good for us" she explained. Suddenly, they noticed something run out of the tunnel, entering the Palace; the two raced towards the door that lead them to the kitchen "the other's will have reached the throne room...I just hope they're able to barricade the doors" Kayley mumbled just loud enough for the Prince to hear. All of a sudden, the girl saw a hand reach out with a pan in their grasp; she grabbed the wrist of the intruder and yanked him forwards, making them tumble to the floor. Now, Kayley didn't say the guy wasn't one of Spain's best soldiers for no good reason; as he fell, the man drew his sword and began to fight her as he rose to his feet once again. Derek stepped a few feet away as he watched the fight unravel; they were both incredible fighters and it was difficult to see who would win. After five minutes, the two fighting had been everywhere in the kitchen and were now out in the hallway; the musketeer was trying to keep him as far away from the throne room as possible, that way there were less people at risk. Suddenly, the Spaniard managed to slash at the teen, injuring her shoulder and earning, not a yell or scream, but a noise that indicated that it had hurt. Derek could see that the slash wound was pouring out blood and that the fight needed to finish soon or else Kayley was going to bleed out; the injury probably needed stitches!! Thinking on his feet, Derek dropped the torch and tightened his grip on the gun; he needed to get this right. "Hey!!" he yelled, catching both fighters attention; Kayley smirked as she saw the gun was perfectly aimed straight at the Spaniard. The Prince was hesitant to pull the trigger but was about to do it when suddenly, he saw Kayley stab the man in the middle of his chest; the Spaniard fell to the floor as he gasped out his last breath. Derek was confused; why did she do that?? He was about to shoot him?? Before he could speak, Kayley leant against the wall and grasped her soldier after with-drawing his sword and gun; the Prince dropped the gun and hurried over. "Are you okay??" he asked with worry, but the girl just smiled and nodded "I'll be fine, I've had worse then a slash across the shoulder" she reassured "come on, we need to get back to the throne room, tell everyone that the danger has passed".

The two made their way through the Palace at a steady pace as Kayley was worn out by the long fight, as well as she was still bleeding out, just not as bad as before because Derek had tied some fabric around her shoulder to ease the bleeding. After ten minutes, they reached the large room and tried to enter, but neither doors moves "they barricaded the doors" Kayley mumbled, smiling as she was thankful they had in case the fight had ended differently; using the hand that was attached to her good shoulder, Kayley banged on the door "oi you sods!! Let us in!!" she yelled making the Prince burst into laughter. Seconds later, they heard one of the Palace guards yell back "the Spaniard isn't with you, is he?!" he asked making the two share a look of confusion "yeah, that's why I'm telling you to let us in!!" she stated with sarcasm dripping from her mouth  "let us in you prat!!" they heard the room laugh. The door was opened and the two entered, all eyes widened with horror once they saw Kayley's extremely bloody shoulder "calm down, he just get a lucky swipe with his sword, I'll sort it out later" she seemed to just wave them off; she looked to Rosa who just smiled "don't worry, you'll have a new outfit by tomorrow lunch time" the girl smiled and thanked the kind woman. Sarah and John hugged their son, once again telling him to never run off towards danger; Kayley smiled as she approached them and placed a hand on the Prince's shoulder "hey, take it easy on him" she stated "Derek most likely saves my life during the fight" the man smiled at her. Look towards her brother, Kayley gave them all a hug "how are you three??" she asked with a smirk; D'artagnan rubbed the back of his head "well we all have a concussion like you guessed, what about you??". Quickly, Kayley explained to the other musketeers and their Captain what had happened and where the body of the Spaniard was; Treville send some guards to go deal with the body. "The Palace is safe once again, I suggest you all return to your rooms and get some much needed rest" the Queen declared, earning bows from everyone in the room before they all did as suggested; the doctor told the musketeers that the King was indeed poisoned, but it wasn't too bad and he was still in the early staged so it could be reversed. Porthos, Treville and Athos helped get Louis to his chambers whilst D'artagnan and Aramis escorted the Queen. Derek asked if the eighteen year old would walk him to his room to which she agreed of course "Kayley...why did you kill him??" the man asked earning a raised brow "I mean...I was about to shoot him, but then you stabbed him...why??". Kayley now understood what he meant "have you ever killed someone before Derek??" she asked, confusing the man even more "no, why??" she began to explain "when you kill, whether it's in defence or not, then it stays with you, no matter what you do or for how long you live, it stays with you" she stated "only cold hearted killers feel nothing after killing someone". Derek listened carefully as she continued "Ive killed before, many times of course but I'm able to...cope with what I do because it's my job and who I kill are either trying to kill myself, my friends or they're bad people" he nodded "I didn't want you to have to cope with that so I killed him before you could". The mans smiled, knowing she had done it for him "well then, thank you Kayley". They soon reached his room "I guess I will see you tomorrow" Kayley smiled earning a nod "I hope so" they both realised just how close they were once again; Derek's gaze fell to the teens lips for a moment before she stepped back "see you tomorrow Derek" and with that, the man entered his room and closed the door. Derek sighed as he leant against the door, wishing he could have kissed the beautiful girl whilst he had the chance; Kayley was doing the same thing on the other side of the door, wishing she could kiss the man. After a minute, the woman left the hallway and met up with her brothers and uncle "come on, I want to get back to the Garrison and stitch you up" Aramis stated earning an unsure look "I think I'll just do it myself this time, you do have a concussion" the man just rolled his eyes "I can stitc someone up in my self, a little concussion won't change that". They left the Palace and rode back to the town; they entered their Captain's office where Aramis easily patched the eighteen year old up, finishing it by wrapping a bandage around her shoulder "thanks". They returned to the B&B and retreated to their beds at it was 3 in the morning; they were exhausted!!

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