Chapter 18

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A month later.......

All was good. Why you ask?? The King was well and back on his feel, although it took some time for the poison to wear off as it was strong. The Queen stuck to his side until he was fully recovered. Sarah and John had returned to their home on the other side of Paris; it took their son sometime to get used to not having his parents around, the same goes for them. Athos was practically born for the role of Captain; he was brilliant and clearly loved the new title. D'artagnan, Aramis, Porthos and Kayley helped him of course; they were at their best together after all. As for Kayley and Derek?? They were great. They spent a lot of time together when Kayley wasn't away on missions or working, unless her work revolved around being at the Palace, then Derek would follow her around like a lost puppy. It was cute. At first, Kayley staying over at the Palace was a rare thing, but it soon became a regular thing. Anne was more than happy for the teen to stay over whenever she wanted; it was no secret that she was the Queen's favourite musketeer. Today the King was throwing a party to celebrate his recovery, Treville becoming the Prime Minister and Prince Derek staying in Paris. The musketeers were all there as security, along with the Palace guards; the red guards were patrolling the town. "Today, we celebrate a multiple of things!!" Louis began his speech "my recovery from the poison that the traitor - your previous Cardinal and my dear friend - Rochefort!!" the man was still deeply hurt by the betrayal; he looked to his side where Treville was stood. "Your new Prime Minister, Treville" everyone cheered as the ex Captain gave a small bow to show his appreciation; the five musketeers were the loudest cheerers of course, making them all chuckle. The King then turned to his young family member "and, my cousins son - Prince Derek - will be staying with us in the Palace, here in Paris" even more cheers "as he has fallen for our only female musketeers, Kayley" the couple blushes like never before, Kayley elbowing her brothers as they sent her teasingly gazes. "Today, we drink and eat, laugh and cheer together, to honour the bravery of those who saved up, and to await our future!!" after a final cheers, everyone grabbed a drink, ate some delicious food and spoke to one another, singing and dancing. Kayley felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist as she grabbed another item of food; she knew who it was instantly as it wasn't a rare action. "Hello dear" she greeted as she leant her back against Derek's chest "what are you doing on your own??" he asked as the woman turned around "my brothers went to go talk to Treville and I wanted to grab and drink and some food" she explained "why aren't you with the King and Queen??". Derek smiled as he placed a gentle kiss on the woman's lips "they're dancing" true to his word, the two were waltzing in the centre of the room. "May I have this dance??" the Prince asked, whispering in his girlfriends ear making her chuckle "I'd love to" hand in hand, they made their way over to the dance floor.

With Treville and the other musketeers, they were stood at the side, talking about the future "I received a letter from England" the Prime Minister explained, spiking their curiosity "...the Queen of England wishes for your assistance" all eyes widened. They asked why to which the man explained with a sigh "random people are being found murdered all around London, male and female, old and young" he stated to the horror of the younger men "no one in England have been able to figure out who the killer is, so they're asking for us to send the French Musketeer's to help". They were leaving France....again!! "You four and Kayley are to travel to England in a days tomorrow" all eyes widened once again before they sighed. Something popped into the Porthos mind that made his heart drop "so...shall we draw straws or duel to work out who's telling the kid??" he asked, making them all realise that problem; Athos shook his head "nah...I'll tell her". Patting him on the back, his ex Captain, boyfriend and two friends allowed man to pass and made his way over towards the couple; they turned and smiled at the man "hey Captain" Kayley teased earning a chuckle "hey". Athos focused on the teen "Kayley, could I have a word??" he asked, nodding towards a quiet area of throne room; the female musketeer raised a brow but nodded, pecking Derek on the lips before following the man. Once standing in the corner of the large room, Athos sighed "we've been given a new mission" he began "all musketeers are to leave for England tomorrow morning". Kayley's eyes widened whilst the man explained why they were leaving "so soon since we returned from war" she mumbled as she rubbed the back of her neck. Athos felt terrible for the eighteen year old as he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her into a hug "I know kid, but you know our work involves travelling to different places and leaving France" she knew that, but before, she wasn't in a relationship. The two parted ways so that Kayley could inform her boyfriend of the upcoming mission whilst Athos re-joined his boyfriend and friends; Treville had gone to talk to the King and Queen. "How'd the kid take it??" Aramis asked earning a sigh "as well as can be expected I's not like us were we travel and stay together" he stated; they all knew that and felt terrible for the girl.

With the new couple, Kayley was explaining everything; Derek was clearly saddened by the news but accepted it. He knew being with a musketeer would mean having to be apart during mission, but it still sucked. The Prince embraced his love tightly "do you know for how long??" he asked, not entirely sure if he wanted to know, but the teen shook her head "no, we'll be there until the murderer has been taken down, as soon as they're locked up, we'll return". Kayley felt terrible for her boyfriend; she rested one of her hands on his face against his cheek "I'll write to you whenever I can and besides, I'm sure we'll be back soon" she reassured. The two decided to cheer themselves up by having a dance before Kayley's brother's interrupted them "we'd like to dance with our sister" D'artagnan stated making the couple laugh "of course".

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