Chapter 19

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Today was the day. The day the five musketeers were to leave for England. The night before there was a large party at the Tavern; many drinks were downed, food was eaten, songs were sung and dances were had. It was a blast!! Derek even sneaked out of the palace to join his girlfriend; they both ended up retreating to the eighteen year old's room at the B&B later that night. The other four musketeers eventually did the same with their partners. The next morning, Constance made sure there was a decent amount of breakfast prepared for them; they were all thankful for the woman as they sat down to eat. "What time do we have to leave??" Aramis asked as he finished his egg and bacon "twelve O clock" Kayley reminded for maybe the tenth time; she was sat with her legs over her boyfriends lap "well it's ten O clock now and it takes an hour to get to the port" Athos stated as he finished his glass of orange juice "so we better get to the Garrison and prepare to go" they were saddened but knew their Captain had a point. "Hey, who's gonna be the Captain whilst you're gone??" D'artagnan asked as they stood up "Treville's gonna keep an eye out for the cadets and give them their missions but other then that, I believe they'll be able to cope". They all hugged Constance who indeed cried a little, sad that she was forced to say goodbye to them once again so soon. 

Derek walked with the musketeers as they entered the Garrison - Porthos offered to prepare the teen girls horse so that she could say goodbye to her boyfriends; they made their way over towards a quiet area of the Garrison. "I'm going to miss you so much" Derek stated as he pulled her into a tight embrace, leaning his back against the wall "so will I love, but I'll write to you whenever I can" Kayley promised "and I'll be sure to bring you back a little gift" she half teased as she pulled back just enough to look at the twenty year old "just come back in one piece and I'll be more than happy". Kayley smiled at that "I'll try my best" and with that, they pressed their lips together and began to short make out session; D'artagnan groaned as he turned away from his sister "now I know how Kayley felt when you and I started seeing each other" he stated. The other three musketeers laugh as they continued preparing their horses; they didn't really like seeing the woman they see as their own little sister making out with someone either, but they were able to just accept it....D'artagnan....not so much. All of the cadets said their own goodbyes to the musketeers - Kayley asked her boyfriend to keep an eye on them for her as it would ease her heart and mind, to which he said yes of course. They hopped up onto their horses and rode to the palace; they needed to inform the royals that they were leaving. Derek managed to get a ride up there. Of course, the Queen embraced them all - especially Kayley - as the King handed each of the musketeers a sack of money. France and English money are both different which Aramis thought was stupid. 

Treville made a surprise visit to wish his musketeers good luck and to say goodbye "knowing you lot, you'll be back within the month" he chuckled; Athos pulled away from the group hug "hopefully". After one more kiss and embrace between the two new and young love birds, the musketeers returned to their horses and began to ride off towards the port where they would catch the ferry to England. "You okay Kayley??" Athos spoke up as he noticed the woman being more quiet then usual; all eyes turned to her "hmm?? Em...yeah, I'm fine" she clearly lied. D'artagnan decided to chip in "it's okay to say you're not okay about being away from Derek you know?? I'm sure we'd all be the same in your shoes" they all agreed "I's not like I'm ever gonna see him again anyway". They fell silent for a moment before Kayley began to smirk "all for one" the four men chuckled as they said in sync the last part of their moto "and one for all".

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