Chapter 9

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The next morning was like no other for the four male musketeers; they got up, dressed and met up out side of the B&B before walking together towards the Garrison. "Did any of you see Kayley??" Porthos asked as they sat down to eat their breakfast "no, the door was locked and if she's still ill, then we shouldn't bother her" D'artagnan stated; he had stopped by his sisters room on his way out, but the door was locked. Whilst eating, Athos noticed something at the gates, or rather, someone; he smiled when he realised who exactly it was. The other three men noticed and raised a brow, but turned in the direction Athos had nodded; their faces lit up at the sight. It was Kayley, dressed in her uniform, a smirk planted on her face as she approached the table; passing cadets greeted her. Once sat down, Aramis stood and grabbed some breakfast for the teen who thanked him "why didn't you tell us you were ill??" D'artagnan asked earning an eye roll "I hadn't seen any of you so how could I??". They spoke and ate for twenty minutes, each of the men checking on the young woman "I'm fine guys!! Really" she kept reassuring "it was just a 24 hours thing" of course, they had Aramis check since he was the medical man. Once they had finished their food, Kayley decided it was time for the cadets training; they carried it out like usual. After two hours of training, Treville exited his office and grinned at the sight of Kayley well and fighting; he called out for the musketeers to get to his office. Inside, the Captain explained to the five that the King and Queen wanted them at he Palace, as extra protection since Louis cousin and his family were there "but be careful of Rochefort, especially you Kayley" the Captain ordered "whilst you four were on the mission and you were ill, he tried to get Kayley's musketeer title taken away" all eyes widened "what!? Why would he try to do that?!" D'artagnan wondered, his boyfriend sighing "it would have been one less musketeer, and a good one at that". Kayley chucked and smirked "maybe he sees me as a threat" she offered before turning serious "you're....not gonna do that...are you??" she asked, but Treville chuckled and he shook his head "no, you have the King and Queen on your side with helps". Clapping his hands, Aramis smiled "okay, let's get going" they began to leave the room, but Treville stopped the teen "can I have quick word??" it wasn't a question. Kayley closed the door once the other musketeers had left "what's up Uncle Treville??" he man smiled "I spoke to Constance yesterday, she said that a woman come to visit you and cared for you when she found you ill, said she was a friend of yours" he explained before asking "who was she??" Treville wouldn't normally be noisy like this, but something Kayley seemed to think for a moment "hmm....I don't know" she admitted "I guess I was so ill and out of it that I forgot" the Captain stared at the girl, feeling she wasn't being completely truthful "...okay, if you do remember, know you can tell me". The young woman left the office and rushed down the stairs towards the stables; Athos had prepared Sam for her. Once they made sure they had their weapons, hats and cloaks, the five musketeers rode away; Kayley took a deep breath of the fresh air, earning a chuckle from her brothers "I hate being on bed rest".

After a short gallop, the five arrived, handed over their horses to the stable boy before making their way through the Palace and into the throne room where the royal couple and their family were talking. "Ahh!! Musketeers!!" Louis greeted smiling "and Kayley, where were you yesterday??" he asked, all eyes landing on the teen "my apologise for my absence yesterday your majesties, but I had fallen ill through the night and was forced to bed rest" Kayley explained. Anne rubbed the girls arm in a form of comfort "but you're better now?? Or do you need to return to bed??" she asked, wanting to be sure her clearly favourite musketeer was well "I'm better, really" the teen reassured, not wanting to have to go back on bed rest. They all chuckled "so musketeers, I want you to meet my cousin, John, his wife Sarah, and their son, Derek" Louis introduced "John, Sarah, Derek, this is Athos, D'artagnan, Porthos, Aramis and Kayley, the best musketeers in the land" they all shook hands. "It's an honour musketeers, my cousin has told me much about you all" John stated, earning smiles "he honour is all ours" Aramis said. Anne and Kayley decided to go for a walk to talk, the first subject that came to the Queens mind was "so, Derek seems to take an interest in you" Kayley raised a brow "how so??" she asked; the older woman explained "well, all he's been asking about is about you". Kayley smiled "probably because I'm a female musketeer" Anne rolled her eyes "come on Kayley, no one has ever taken that much of an interest in you, no offence" the teen chuckled "not taken, but it doesn't matter anyway" she stated, earning a confused look "even if he did have an interest in me in the way you think, he's related to royalty, I'm just a musketeer" Anne shook her head "you're more then 'just a musketeer' Kayley, you're close friend with the King and Queen of France, you're the friend ever female musketeer as well!!" she exclaimed "besides, you two...would make a cute couple" Kayley couldn't help but blush "there's no way Anne" her face turned sad "no one would want me anyway...I'm damaged remember". The Queen seemed confused for a moment before realising what the eighteen year old meant "Kayley" she sighed "what LaBarge did to you...that wasn't your fault, you were ten years old" she stated; Kayley gave a small smile "I know that, but he still took something from me...something that I can't get back" the two hugged one another. All of a sudden, Porthos and Derek appeared, walking towards them, both laughing at something "Anne, Kayley" Derek smiled, his gaze lingering for a small time longer on the eighteen year old who smiled. Anne smirked as an idea popped into her head "Porthos, can you escort me back to my husband please??" she asked, the bear like man catching on to what she was doing "of course your majesty" and with that, they left the two young adults alone.

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