Part three

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7 years later

It has been 7 years since Wilford's parents died. He is now 17 and runs the Warfstach tech company. He is now the Earl of the household, being the next in line.
(*Cough* black butler vibes *cough*)
A spitting image of his father, his features made him very attractive. But his personality was quite the contrast, having no manners and acting like a selfish king. The death of his mother and father really took a toll on him. His usual happy, bubbly nature disappeared to show a bitter, fearless man. Just like his father.

I come into his room at 7 'o clock sharp, with a tray of tea and english muffins.
"Good morning young master, did you sleep well?" I ask, setting the tray down and opening the curtains to let the light flood in.
He sits up slowly and stretches, a few bones giving a satisfing pop.
"Same as always. What's my schedule for today?" He asks in his natural grim voice.
"At 10 you have tutoring, 12 a meeting with the company manneger about the new sale prices. At 1 you have tea with Lady Rose, then at 3 you have dance classes and rehearsals for your 18th birthday party." He groans as I finish my list of activities.
"What's the point of having a birthday party, I'm getting older, woopdy doo, what's the big deal?" Wilford was never one for birthdays, always finding them stupid.
"The big deal is that you are finally going to be old enough to take full control of your father's business," I state firmly, handing him his cup of tea.
He finishes it and steps out of bed, I go through our daily routine of  dressing him, it being customary for nobility.
He lifts his arms and stares forward nonchalantly, having been through this countless times. I strip him of his night gown and work on putting on his pants. I then slip on his shirt and start buttoning it up, trying my best to ignore his gleaming chest. I finish off with tying up his shoelaces then brushing his hair so there wasn't a strand out of place.
"Come down for breakfast when you are ready," I bow before closing the door and going downstairs to set the table. 10 minutes later, Wilford comes down and seats himself at the table. I set down his breakfast in front of him as he began to eat. I turned around to head to the kitchen before I slip on something and fall to the ground. I hear evil laughing and look down to see some of the yoghurt spilt on the floor. I look back to see Wilford with a spoon aiming to where it hit the floor. Although he always had to act all fucosed and proper, he never failed to show my his dark humourus side. I chuckle slightly before getting up and making my way to the kitchen.

The day went by smootly, Wilford having done his tutoring and meeting. Now he was seated by the patio having tea with Lady rose, his betrothal. I never liked her, she was always bitter and sly, wrapping anyone around her thin little finger. She wears too much makeup and too little clothes. Wilford hates her even more, but unfortunately he has no way out of this marriage. Having this agreement being made when he was still a young child.
When she got here she practically threw herself at him, hugging him and smothering his face intentionally in her bust.

"So did you get me any presents darling?" she swoons, giving Wilford a seductive smile. He cringes and rolls his eyes before turning back to her and plastering on a fake smile.
"Not today dear, I had too much work going on to be able to," he says through gritted teeth. I internally chuckle while setting down and tray filled with sandwiches and tea.
"What are you laughing at, tin man," she spits, slapping my hand away so she can grab a sandwich.
"Excuse me, you may be my soon to be wife but that does not mean you can just treat my butler however you please," he retorts. After all these years the one good thing he kept about himself is that the always defended me, knowing I wasn't allowed to talk out of turn.
"Oh darling come on now, he's just a piece of metal, he doesn't have feelings. I bet if I threw this cup of boiling tea he wouldn't feel it." As she says, smirking as she aims the cup directly at my head and begins to throw it. I flinch slightly, bracing for the scolding tea and porcelain to hit my face. Wilford slaps her hand to the side, making the cup miss its mark and fall right next to me. He was now visibly angry, looking like he could snap someone's neck with the flick of his wrist. He stands up and takes in a deep breath, calming himself before looking at Lady Rose.
"I think it is time for you to take your leave," he growls. She looks offended and was about to say something before deciding against it. She stood up and I led her to her car, before she gets in she grabs me by the collar and pulls me down to her level.
"When I marry Wilford and become Countess. I'll be sure to have you demolished and dumped before we even get back from the honeymoon," she threatens before shoving me away and climbing into her car. I wait until the car is out the gate and over the horizon before letting out a huge sigh. I go back to the patio and clear up the unfinished tea and sandwiches. As I turn around, Wilford was right behind me, it scared me so much that I dropped the tray.
"So sorry young master I didn't see you there. I will get you a new set of clothes and order a new tea set," I say shakily as I pick up all the broken pieces. He says nothing, just standing in front of my and staring at me while I clean up. I stand back up again and give him a quick glance before starting to walk around him. He blocks my path and takes the tray out of my hands, setting it on the table.
"M-master?" I question shakliy as he steps forward, making the space between us smaller. I step back, and he counters by stepping forwards again, his face looking like stone, not revealing any emotions.
I finally step back enough where my back touches the railing, preventing me from going anywhere. He steps forward so that I could feel his breath on my face. He took my jaw in his hand and stared at my eyes, almost studyingly. My face reddens slightly as I feel our chests touching. I tried looking anywhere else but his calculating eyes but he was having none of it. His face came closer to mine, forcing me to look at him. My breath falters and I feel my heart beat faster, what is happening?
He glances down to my lips then back to my face, he licks his lips. He comes in closer so that his mouth was by my ear, his hot breath giving me shivers.
He opened his mouth to says something but was interrupted when the clock rang, signalling it was 3. He steps away, his warm body leaving mine, before he turned around and headed to his dance lesson.
I stood there for a good five minutes, replaying just what happened and looking for any possible explination. My biggest concern being that him doing that actually made me feel something in my chest.


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