Part five

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Two years layer

"Shut up and kill the bitch already!" Wilford booms, slapping my across the face. I look down, featureless as I rub my cheek where he hit me. I look back to the woman that was tied to the chair, staring up at me pleadinly. I walked closer to her, despite not telling my body to move. Its still a foreign feeling, being almost controlled because of the programming that's been set into my brain. I stalk up to her and hold her by the neck. I look down at her tear filled eyes and my gaze fills with sympathy and the want to pull away.
"Im sorry," I whisper to her as I tighten my grip, choking her until her face turned blue and her eyes slowly close. I let go of her neck, stand back and turn to Wilford, waiting for my next orders. He looks back pleased and he walks towards my, pulling me closer but not for a hug, oh no. He lifted my shirt and opened that familiar compartment and changed the programming back to my normal state. I immediately fall down, Wilford catches me and steadies me. I look up at him with hurt eyes, feeling betrayed and disgusted that he made me do something like that yet again.
"You did a great job, I'm proud," he smiles and ruffles my hair. I study his features dispondently, not wanting to look in his insane eyes. He grew a moustache and dyed it pink, making that his prized possession and keeping it crisp and perfect. His face was different to what it was two years ago, it had a light in it that it lacked when he was younger. But this light wasn't exactly that of a wonder in the world, more of and excited blood lust that seemed unquenchable.
"Thank you, master," I finally say, the words feeling like poison on my tongue. I look into his copper eyes that reminded me so much of his father.
He gives me a cheerful smile before patting me on the back and walkimg across the room.
After that night, after the party, Wilford and I took all the supplies we thought we needed and ran away. We found this abandoned warehouse that was still in good shape, making it the place we stayed. I refuse myself to call it home because it is anything but that. I look down, tears brimming my eyes as the burden of the souls I've reluctantly taken rests on my shoulders. Hes made me kill innocent, he's made me torture kind souls. He's made me watch as he roasted a child for touching his moustache....
But I cant escape, I cant leave him.
I refuse to believe its on my own accord that I'm still here, rather blaming it on my primary objective. It cant be anything else but that...
"Toss the body out for me will you, I have to go shower her blood off me," he chuckles as if it were something funny. I crouch down, regret pounding at me like a mace, I want to escape this monster. I want to run as far as I can... but it is impossible. I let a few tears drop as I pick myself up again and go to untie the ropes binding the woman. I gently pick her up and walk out the warehouse. Thankfully this place is in the middle of a forest that no one goes to so we wont be caught. I walk a few miles south of the warehouse to the burial grounds that I secretly keep for all the victims we've had.
I believe everyone should have a burial instead of just thrown somewhere and forgotten.
I dig a deep hole and lay her down in it, I walk around, finding different sorts of flowers. I come back and lay them all around her, then put a bunch in her hand. I start to shovel the dirt back into the hole before standing in front of her grave.
"Rest in peace," I whisper, lowering my gaze and having a moment of silence for this lady and her family who will never see her again.
I start to make my way back to the warehouse, coming in to see Wilford laying on the couch and reading a book he stole.
"What took you so long?" he says in semi-irriation, sitting up and putting his book down.
"I decided to take a walk in the woods and lost track of time master," I say in a monotone voice.
"Oh come on, your not mad at me are you?" He asks getting up and walking to me. I glare back at him, confirming his question.
"Oh come on Google, she was being a nucience, always proding, she would've caught us had we not done something about it."
He says it like it was a team effort, like we just won a game of soccer. He held me by the hips and I made a show of trying to cringe away but he held me down firmly. I know its punishable to be so cheeky to your master but I didn't really care at the moment.
He looks at me annoyed before leaning forward, rubbing his cheek on mine, almost affectionately. His nice side disappears as he roughly nips my ear. I let out a small, pained whimper and he growls into my ear.
"Behave yourself, or I'll have to make you," he says evily.
I don't react as my gaze lowers to the ground, waiting for something to happen. I wanted his touch to make me want to gag, I wanted his touch to make me hate him more.
But I feel the more his hands rest on my sides and the more his whole body is pressed up against me, the more I want of him.
His hands slowly start to snake up to my hair, tugging it so that he has access to my neck. He starts to bite down harshly, going form my ear to my Adams apple. I stand there stationary, being an obediant puppy for his master and waiting for his next order.
"Come," he whispers, grabbing my collar and pulling me towards his bedroom. His the demeanor was anything but gentle and kind. I was gonna get it rough tonight, and I tried forcing myself to hate the idea of that.


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