Part Fourteen

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Jack's pov

It's been three weeks without any sight of Google anywhere. I've been searching all over, asking so many people to try find out where he is but nothing has come up. I even tried finding Wilfords warehouse, which wasn't very fun for me might I add. But still, it was like the building had never even been used.

"Stop worrying will ya, you're making me anxious," Anti grumbled from the couch as I worked on my computer to try find a lead.
"You never know, it looked like he was having a great time with that guy he was dancing with," he grinned. I sighed and shook his head, "that guy could've been the reason Google is missing." Anti just rolled his eyes and went back to his show.

"OR Google had a great time with him and decided to ditch us for a good dick appointment. I know I would."
"Anti this is serious!" I squeal, shaking my head. I've been busting my ass of trying to find him while Antis been having a few of his own dick appointments with that shady Dark guy. The thought of finding them fucking like wild animals one day in MY bedroom made me blush.

I quickly shook off the thought and sighed, standing up and going to the kitchen for some water. I've been staring at a screen for too long. I take a long gulp of water and sigh, smiling. At least Mark was kind enough to offer some help. The thought of him made me want to swoon. Him and Dark were twins, but Mark was more kind and loving while Dark just looked like a human fuck machine. Him and Anti are perfect for each other now that I think of it.

A knock on the door draws me away from my thought and I quickly set the glass down. I went over and opened the door, almost choking on the bit of water still in my mouth. Standing right there in his metallic glory was Google, slightly dazed but nothing more than that.

"Google!" I squeal and crush him in a hug, thank God he was metal. He let out a small giggle and wrapped his arms around me, hugging back gently.  I quickly get back to my senses and step back, frowning up at him like an angry parent.
"Where have you been?! It's been three weeks and you just disappeared?!"
"I know I know, I'm so sorry for worrying you..." Google sighed, rubbing his arm and staring at the floor like a guilty puppy. I sigh and hug him again, not able to stay mad at him for long.

"Hey tin can! Glad to see you back!" Anti greeted in his usual nonchalant way. Google just simply waved before hugging me again.
"Seriously though, what happened? We saw you dancing with a guy that night at the club and then you just vanished." Google's smile never left his face, but it did falter slightly at the mention of that.
"Oh yeah... Sorry for worrying you I..." He looked like he was processing something, like he didn't know what to say. He sighed and blushed, "I kind of... Went home with that guy and we... Did a lot of things."

"Called it!" Anti giggled from the living room and I had to stop myself from throwing a shoe at him, "OK that explains why you left. But for three weeks?! Without contacting us?!" Google nodded with an apologetic look on his face.
"Yeah I know, it was terrible for me to do that... I don't have a phone and he's kind of like a hippy, doesn't really believe in technology so I had no way to contact you. And he kind of convinced me to go on a trip with him but in my defence, he only said it was for a few days."

My eyes widen the more I listen to this story, "Google are you crazy?! He could've taken you to God knows where, killed you and sold your parts!" I scold him, gently smacking the back of his head. He whined and rubbed his head, "he's not like that Jack! He's sweet and kind and loving," he sighed dreamily and stared at the sky. I shook my head with a sigh, letting him in and closing the door.
"Fine, but no more of this running off and not seeing you for three weeks," he nodded with a happy smile and skipped off to his room, humming softly.

I raise a brow as I watch him go, even Anti noticed the strange behavior. Why was he acting like this? He never acts like this.
"Maybe he really is in love," Anti said with a chuckle and sat back on his couch, lighting a cigarette. I huff and grab the stick of cancer, snuffing it out in an ashtray.
"What have I told you about smoking in the house?" Anti let out a frustrated grumble and got up, "you could've just let me go outside, now you wasted a perfectly good smoke." He walked out, looking quite pissed.

I sigh and sit down, rubbing my temples. I'm too stressed to be dealing with this kind of stuff. I grab my phone and look at the wallpaper of Mark and I happily dancing at that night club. The memory brings a smile to my face. I bite my lip and dial Mark's number, holding the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" That deep, smooth voice immediately puts me to ease as I smile.
"Hey um... Can I come over tonight?" I ask, unsure of how to do this. Mark paused for a moment before answering, "of course, be here by seven?"
"Yeah," I smile and hang up, going to get myself ready.


Google's pov

I was very surprised that Jack had believed the story I gave him. Wilford barely gave me enough time to think of a proper cover up. I flop onto my bed and sigh dreamily at the mere thought of Wilford. He's so big, strong and handsome. And God can he make me feel good. Even when he's mad he's sexy.

I hear my internal phone that Wilford built in start to ring. Speak of the devil. I quickly pressed the button on the back of my head and giggled happily, "hi Wilfie!"
"Hey honey, how did it go?" Wilford purred, making me bite my lip.
"It went great! They bought all of it!" I hear him let out a deep chuckle, "oh that's great sweetie. You did a good job. Now keep it up and I'll give you a reward when you come back," he purred.

"What kind of reward?" I giggle innocently. I could feel the smirk on his face as he purred, "one you won't wanna miss. So don't fuck this up," he growled the last part out harshly before hanging up. I giggle and lay back on my bed, sighing dreamily. I stare down at the healed up scars that he gave me when he found me at the night club and sighed. That's what I get for disobeying him. I should be more grateful. Maybe I'll give him a little treat when I get home.

I love Wilford so much.


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