Part Thirteen

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There will be torture in this chapter

I'm woken up by the familiar mechanical whirrs and chirping sound right next to my ear. I don't open my eyes just yet, trying to get a feel for my surroundings first. It feels like I'm sitting in a chair, my wrists and ankles tied up. No sounds of movement around me so I must be alone. Or my captor just knows how to keep still.

My eyes slowly flutter open, my vision still slightly blurry. It seemed that I was in a very dark room with only one dim light hanging over me. Where am I? How did I even get here? I tried remembering what had happened the night before. Anti had dragged Jack and I to a club. They met with Mark and Dark. I went to go dance and... That's all I remember...

I'm broken away by my thoughts as I hear soft chirping beside my ear. I look over to see that mechanical bird that I despise perching on my shoulder. Spo tilts his head and squawks every now and then, recognizing who I am. My eyes widen as I realize where I am, and what happened last night. Wilford came to dance with me, then drugged me and brought me here.

My breath runs ragged as I start panicking, struggling and pulling on my restraints, trying to squeeze my hand out of the tight ropes.
"My my, you make such a fuss when you wake up." I freeze as that same smooth, silky voice resounds throughout the dark room. Footsteps slowly come towards me, each one precise and calculated, echoing throughout the room as they got closer. Soon enough, that same pink mustache and smug smile came into view, grinning down at me like I was his prey. I may as well be.

My face turns pale as I look up at my former master in utter terror, seeing the little light around us being practically swallowed up by his presence.
"Aw come now, that's not a very happy face," Wilford pouts playfully and grabs my chin, leaning down to be at my level. He stares into my eyes and slowly licks his lips, seeming a bit nervous.

"I must say. I was quite upset when I saw you were gone."
"You would've killed me," the words slip out of my mouth before I get a chance to think about them. His eyes turned a bit cold at that and his grip on my jaw tightened to the point that it would probably leave bruises.
"Oh, I think kill is a bit over exaggerated. Permanently damaged yes but definitely not kill." I wanted to scream, spit in his face and kick him where it hurt most. And he knew that. He was waiting for me to act out, to try something. But I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

"Why do you care? If you really needed a servant so badly you could've made a new one," I spit back bitterly, making him frown and tsk, shaking his head slowly.
"Now that's just hurtful Google. We've been together since day one. You're irreplaceable, I wouldn't just let you go like that," he purred, caressing my cheek and moving up to play with a few strands of my hair. I couldn't believe what he was saying to me. It made me want to scream and cry even more.

"if I'm so irreplaceable then why do you treat me like filth and beat me to the brink of death?" I growl, feeling my hold on my control slipping slightly. He smirked softly and cocked his head to the side, giving me an innocent look.
"Oh silly silly Google. Those are only punishments for when you're being bad or not obeying my rules."

I couldn't take it anymore as I suddenly head butted him, causing him to yelp and fall back. Spo squawked angrily and tries to attack me, but I have no time to worry about him. I quickly get to work trying to get free, one of my hands finally slipping out. Wilford groaned in pain and slowly stood up, holding his head. I try working faster and get my other hand and feet untied. I jump up, my legs slightly wobbly, and run for the door.

I slam against the door from running so fast and yank at it, but it didn't budge. My face went even more pale as I felt a hand slap on my shoulder, followed by a soft growl.
"That wasn't very nice kitten. See, this is why I give you punishments, because you don't behave." before I can try and punch him, he grabs me and easily slings me over his shoulder. I'm carried back down into the dark depths of the room as he flipped on the switch to reveal more of it.

Lining the walls were all sorts of building tools and equipment. There was a metal table that had cuffs on each corner. I start shaking my head quickly and squirming around, trying to escape. This was not happening again. No it can't. Wilford growled and held me tighter, carrying me to the table and cuffing up my wrists and ankles. Tears start to well in my eyes as I struggle to get free, thrashing from side to side.

Wilford hummed and grabbed a drill from the wall, plugging it in and checking if it worked. He smirked softly and walked back up to me, a sadistic grin on his face that made my skin crawl.
"Let's begin, shall we?" he leaned over to my human side the part where I had flesh. I struggle as he holds my arm down and points the drill to my skin, turning it on. I scream out in pain and my whole body shakes as the drill dug into me, going deeper and deeper before going out the other end.

Wilford chuckled happily and pulled it out, admiring the hole that went straight through my arm.
"Oh we're gonna have a lot of fun kitten. This'll show you never to leave me again." He growled and went down again, creating another hole. And another and another. And so my torture went.


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