The Diet

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                                                                    *(Y/N),Darwin,and Gumball just walked into kitchen to get a snack.Then they saw their dad with a book in his dad.Looking confused at the fridge*

Darwin:What going on?Never seen Mr.Dad that confused by the fridge before.*Whispered to his siblings*

Gumball:Yeah,it's only it's the only appliance in house.He actually knows how to use.

Richard:Kids,where would I find the"Sal-lard"?

(Y/N):You mean Salad?

Darwin:It's in the drawer at the bottom of the fridge.

Richard:*gasps*There a drawer in the fridge?!*As closing his book*Hmm..*Knees down and opens the bottom drawer**Gasps**Whispers*I thought we agreed no secrets.*H takes the salad and slam the fridge door*Hmm!*He says as putting the salad on the kitchen counter*Who,am I kidding?I still love you.*Kiss the fridge*


Richard:Dinner is served.*puts a lettuce leaf on a small size plate on he counter*

Gumball:Wow,I'm impressed you're really diet thing seriously.

Richard:*Takes his plate and walks to the table as they followed him*Sure I am,my book says if you use tiny plates,you eat less.

(Y/N);Umm I'm pretty sure that only works if you have only one tiny plate.Not over 15.

*Instead on finding one tiny plate on the table.They found over 15 of them with different kinds of food*

Gumball:What diet is this anyways?

Richard:Well that the no-carbs diet.*Points to a plate of pea(I think?)*That's the high protein diet*Points to a plate of Swiss cheese*That's the 5-2 diet,That's the 2-5 die wt that's the--

Larry:*Rings the doorbell*Pizza delivery!

Gumball:and that is?

Richard:My reward for dieting.

*Time skip**(Y/N) and her siblings were eating cereal with orange juice for breakfast.*

Richard:*Walks into the kitchen fatter than usual*

Darwin:Hey,Mr.Dad I love your new roll neck sweater.

Richard:*confused*'m not wearing a roll neck*

Gumball:Oh,It's your actually neck roll.

Richard:*Touchs his neck*

(y/N,Darwin and Gumball:*Weird out*

(Y/N):Um are sure this diet's working?

Richard:Absolutely,I feel incredible.It's given me so much energy.

Gumball:Yeah you did just sleep for 36 hours.

Richard:*gasps*That's mean I missed a whole day's eating!*Opens the fridge to see it was empty...again*Hmm,it's weird.Since I started dieting we ran out of food so quickly.I have to go buy groceries everyday.Maybe I'm doing something wrong.Hmm...*Puts his hand on his neck to ponder this problem*

(Y/N),Darwin,Gumball:*Hoping he figure it out*

Richard:That's it!I should get the groceries delivered.

*They all groan*


Richard:*use his laptop to order the food*Done!*Close the laptop*

*There an awkward sileicne for a couple of seconds*

Rcihard:*Gets up form his chairs*Lets' go to the grocery store.

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