The Vacation

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[The episode opens with the Wattersons in their car as Nicole drives along a desert road]

Gumball: Some say it was a military experiment gone wrong. They say he roams the desert, feeding off lost strangers. They say he has the body of a cougar, the wings of a bat, and the head... of a duck!

[Darwin,(Y/N), Anais, and Richard scream; Richard starts to cry]

Nicole: Guys, guys, guys! Please save the campfire stories for the campfire. You're going to give him nightmares.

[The kids giggle]

Anais: Okay, my turn! [Holds a flashlight under her face] There was once an old--

[Richard tries to toast a marshmallow in the light]

Anais: Dad, we've been over this. It's not a real fire.

Richard: [Mockingly] "Dad, we've been over this, neh, neh, neh."

Anais: There was once a pickup truck following a man for hours and hours down an empty highway. The man slowed down to let the truck overtake him. When the truck pulled level, the window rolled down and the man realized... the truck had no driver!

[Everyone screams, startling Nicole. They laugh, and she looks at them annoyed]

Richard: Okay! I've got one! There was once a very hungry hitchhiker who was lost at night. He saw some light coming in from a house, so he walked in but found it deserted except for one fridge. He slowly opened the door and realized... the fridge was empty! [Screams in horror]

(Y/N): Dad, that was about as scary as being smothered by pack of cute puppies.

Anais: Yeah, or being robbed by a street gang of kittens.

Richard: Hmph!

Darwin: Don't worry, Mr. Dad. Grown-ups can't tell scary stories.

(Y/N):What about Stephen King?

Darwin: Okay,some Grown-ups like you two can't tell scary stories.

Nicole: Oh, really? Then what about the tale of the sixteen hour shift. With no paid overtime?!

Anais: Mom, face it. You can't tell a horror story.

Nicole: Yeah? Well, maybe when you kids grow up, you'll know how scary financial pressures can be.

Darwin: Don't worry Mrs. Mom. It's not your fault you're boring. It's because you're old.

Nicole: [Angry and determined] Richard, flashlight!

[Richard shines the flashlight in Nicole's face]

Nicole: Higher, that's not a flattering angle. [Begins story] In a car driving through the desert, just like this one, there was a family just like ours.

Richard: [Screams]

Nicole: Richard, that's not the scary bit. They were heading on a camping trip when they broke down in the middle of nowhere.

[The kids literally sink into the back seat]

Nicole: A strange old man living in a derelict gas station helped them out and suggested they stay for dinner, and as he grinned at them with a toothless smile, they realized that the main course... was them!

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