The Box

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[The episode starts in the Wattersons' living room. Gumball, (Y/N),Darwin, and Anais, are sitting on the couch, each sibling exhibiting an expression of boredom. The doorbell rings, but when Gumball answers the door, all he finds is a nondescript, sealed cardboard box. Curious, he brings it inside. In the meantime, his parents have entered the room]

Gumball: Did anyone order anything?

Richard,(Y/N),Nicole, Darwin, & Anais: Nah.

Richard: This was the credit card company's answer when I asked if I can order things online.

[Richard holds up the telephone, and hysterical laughter is heard coming from it's speaker]

Richard: It's been like that for three days. I think they're working in shifts.

Gumball: [Puts the box on the coffee table] Well, it was delivered to our door, so...

[Gumball reaches for it, but Anais grabs both of his wrists. A third hand appears from below, slapping him on the cheek]

Gumball: [Confused] Uh-eh?

Anais: Opening other people's mail is a crime!

Gumball: [Peeved] Oh, why is there always a law against everything I wanna do?

(Y/N): Because the last thing you wanted to do, was move into the supermarket so you could eat for free.

Gumball: Uh, if the food enters your body and exits it while it's still in the supermarket, it's technically not stealing.

Darwin,(Y/N),& Anais: Hmm.(Thought:Well,he's got a point..)

Gumball: Come on! Am I the only one who wants to open the box?

Richard: Opening other people's mail is like staring at the sun. The more people tell you you shouldn't do it, [Yearning] the more you just gotta.

Nicole: Richard, we're over here.

Richard: Oh yeah, sorry. [Faces the wrong direction again]


Nicole: Now kids, there's plenty of fun things we could do to take our mind off opening the box. Just think outside the box. Play some music on the boombox, maybe go watch a boxing match, [Loses control] or just open the box, the box, OPEN THE BOX!

[Richard,(Y/N),and Darwin hold Nicole back, despite her frenzied attempt at the parcel. She calms down as soon as Gumball picks the box up and shakes it]

Gumball: Wait, I think I know what it is. It's a teleportation gun.

Anais: How could you possibly know what a fictional object sounds like?

Gumball: Uh, what does a laser sword sound like?

[Richard,(Y/N),Nicole and Darwin mimic lightsaber noises]

Gumball: Case closed. Box open.

Anais: We're not opening it!

Gumball: Oh come on! Think about how this can benefit society and enrich our lives...

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