The Revolt

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(Y/N): Darwin, how are we supposed to take your new charity crusade seriously when you're dressed like that?

Darwin:*Dressed in some weird hippie clothes*What's wrong with my new look?

Gumball: You look like a trust-fund baby spending his gap year ruining the Third World with his trance music and smelly feet.

[Darwin takes his wig off and sighs.]

Gumball: And please make sure you throw those clothes away.

Darwin: [uninterested] Okay, fine.

(Y/N): At night, so no one can see you.

Darwin: Yes.

Gumball: Off a cliff.

Darwin: [angrily] All right!

(Y/N): Into a volcano.

Darwin: [very angry] Okay, I get it! Could you two at least watch my campaign video, though?

Gumball: [sighs] Yes.

[Darwin plays his video titled "The Truth."]

Darwin: [in the video] It is always better to speak the truth than to say nothing.

Gumball: Unless you're hiding from a crazy guy with an ax and he shouts "Where are you?"

(Y/N): Or unless a teacher forgets to assign homework and she asks"Did I forget something?"

Darwin: Come on, this is serious!

[The video shows Gray Man, one of the construction workers, brushing his teeth, making a toast, taking his hat and entering the bus. He does all this with a look of despair on his face.]

Darwin: [in the video] Every day, thousands of individuals are forced into labor, spending their whole lives being trampled on, struggling under the pressure society puts on them.

[We can now see Mr. Cooper on the junkyard, passing by with a sad face. In the back, a garbage truck is throwing some garbage on the ground.]

Darwin: [in the video] And when they get too old, they're thrown on the scrap heap like trash.

Gumball: Oh, I get it. It's about big businesses not caring about the little guy.

(Y/N):Have to admit,that's good cause.

Darwin: What? No! Look closer.

[Darwin rewinds the video and zooms in a few times. This reveals that the toothbrush Gray Man was using is bitten, the toaster is corroded, the rug he was stepping on is dirty, the bus he entered has a sad expression.]

Gumball: Nope, I don't get it.

[Darwin zooms in on the objects the truck left at the junkyard.]

Darwin: It's about objects - the objects of Elmore.

Gumball: But they're objects.

(Y/N):That's why they're there - to be used.

Darwin: [angry] You see, that's the problem! [shouts] STOP OBJECTIFYING OBJECTS!

[The chair Gumball and (Y/N) was sitting on flops. Gumball falls on the ground.]

Darwin: Um, are you two okay?

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