The Puppet

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The episode starts with Gumball,(Y/N),and Darwin in the attic; they are seen packing old toys away, preparing for the garage sale]

Darwin: Why do we have to give them away? These toys have sentimental value! It's not like anyone else will love them like we do!

Gumball: Dude, we've locked them in the attic for, like, seven years.

(Y/N): [Finds a Smack-It in the box] Wow! Why did we ever stop playing with this thing? It was awesome!

[Smack-It music plays]

Smack It: Push me! [Voice and music go lower pitched and distorted] Hold me... Squeeze me...

(Y/N): Hmm, it never sounded as kid-friendly after we dropped it. [Throws into bag]

Darwin:Look, remember our old digi-pet? [Takes digipet out of box] We had to feed it and change its diaper and stuff. [Presses Button]

[The digi-pet has a blank screen]

Darwin: Mm, out of batteries. [Throws into box]

[The words "CLEAN ME" appear on the digi-pet's screen]

Darwin: [Gasps] Mighty Flyz! The warrior that rules the sky!

[The Mighty Flyz figure goes around breaking things while Darwin,(Y/N),and Gumball cover themselves in panic. It flies out the window cutting a wire and killing a bird]

Gumball: [In advertiser's voice] Mighty Flyz takes no responsibility for any limbs, eyes or innocence lost while enjoying the Mighty Flyz line of products. What else could we give away? [Looks in box and eyes widen, talks in shock] You have not seen them yet, but no.

Darwin: Seen what?

Gumball: [Insistant] No!

(Y/N): [Grabs box and looks inside; gasps] Grady, Frank and Howdy! Aw, Gumball we have to play with—

Gumball: [Even more strict] No!

(Y/N): But why?

Gumball: Because we're too old to play with toys and dolls.

Darwin: Playing never goes out of date.

Gumball: Playing with dolls means that you'll never go out ON a date.

(Y/N):I hate to admit but he's got point.However can't we play with them for little while?

Gumball: Come on guys . Time to grow up.

(Y/N): [Sighs] You're right.

Darwin:We need to learn how to let things go.

Gumball: That's it, trust me, you two will thank me when your teenage years kick in.

Darwin: I know...

[Gumball exits the attic and slams the door]

Darwin: [Giggles in mischief; pulls out the puppets]

(Y/N):Nice job,Darwin.*Grabs Howdy*I font' know why Gumball doesn't want us to play with these things.I know we out grown them,but it's nice to revisit our childhood.

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