The Stars

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[Richard, wearing the barber cape, is at home in his living room. He is pacing back and forth in front of Gumball,(Y/N),and Darwin, who are on the sofa]

Richard: [Ranting] Disgraceful! First, he gives me this insult of a haircut, then he has the audacity to call me bald! Me! Richard Watterson! How dare he say that to me-- [Carries on in the background]

Gumball: [To Darwin] How long's he been going on like this?

Darwin and(Y/N): What?!

[Gumball sighs, and they both take out their earplugs]

(Y/N): Dude, you don't have ears. Where did you put those?

Darwin: Oh. So that's why they didn't work.

Gumball: So, how long has he been going on like this?

Darwin: About three days. [Interrupts his father] Mr. Dad, why didn't you just tell Larry there and then that you weren't happy?

Richard: And waste my precious breath on someone so deluded?! I mean, do I look like a guy who's lost his hair?!

Darwin: Uh, stand still. It's kinda hard to tell with the light bouncing off your head.

Richard: Hmph!

Gumball: Dad, you've gotta step up and do the right thing.Leave a mean review about Larry online and ruin his life with complete anonymity.

(Y/N):That's both lazy and coward.It's perfect for you,Dad!

[Classical guitar music plays as Richard ponders what to type. He appears to be making progress, until the guitar is abruptly cut off by the sound of multiple computer errors]

(Y/N):You have forgotten your password,haven't you?

Richard:*sadly notices*

(Y/N): [Sighs; Grabs the laptop] Okay, what do you want to say?

Richard: "I left this hairdresser a sad, broken man."

Gumball: Dad, you went in a sad, broken man. The key to a good online review is to take out all the frustration you have in your life on someone who totally doesn't deserve it.

[The music resumes, with Gumball and(Y/N) typing instead. Richard and Darwin wince at what they see on the screen]

Richard & Darwin: Ooh... Hm... Oh!

Gumball: And viola. [Hands Richard the laptop]

Richard: [Presses some keys] And... send!

[The phone rings, and Richard goes to answer it]

Richard: Hello?

Larry: It's Larry.

Richard: [Gasps; To his children] It's Larry.

Darwin: [Gasps] It's Larry!

Gumball: [Gasps] It's Larry!

(Y/N):(gasps)It's Larry!

Richard: [Gasps; To the phone] It's Larry!

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