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Mary had been left in my door room as I went to medical to get an ice pack for my already bruising cheek. It was fine anyways; I had my own room on campus due to my parents funding me despite their obvious fixation on Runa. My mother had been the one to pressure my father into it, although I knew that she was also ashamed of me. I brought myself back to reality by pressing the ice pack slightly harder against my cheek, hissing slightly as a light pain pulsated across my face.

Rounding the corner, I walked into the dining hall area, set on getting some snacks for me and Mary when my eyes drifted to the commotion on the raised area above me. I smiled, walking up the stairs to see what was going on as people gasped in concern and parted out of the way for me like I was a goddess. I smiled as I breezed last them, brushing off their concerns. I was fairly popular at school despite hating almost all of my school population.

I smiled softly as I saw Itsuki standing there with Yumeko, a worried Suzui stood between them. I walked and tapped Suzui on the shoulder causing him to divert his attention from the pair.

"What's going on? You did warn your friend about challenging the higher ups right?" I said with a dark edge to my voice at the end of my sentence. Suzui blushed then squirmed before looking at my cheek, shock settling on his features.

"Never mind that, what happened to you?" He said and I breathily laughed, shaking my head and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I've dealt with worse, don't worry." I said and sadness filled his features, a heavy weight on the atmosphere around us. I sighed and Suzui looked deeply into my eyes, an undetectable emotion swirling through them.

"Aiko, I'm sorry about that day...if only I...I could have..." he started and I cut him short, placing a finger on his lips. He blushed red and staggered backwards but I placed a firm hand on his shoulder, leaning in closer to him.

"Don't worry about it Suzui, you did all that you could." I said and we both stayed locked in our position, looking deep into each other's eyes. Our trance was broken when we heard the horrified gasps of Itsuki. We quickly broke apart, turning to face a smug looking Yumeko and a distraught Itsuki who had sunk to the ground, sobbing in agony.

"What happened?" Suzui yelped and I rushed over to Itsuki, thinking that there was something really wrong with her. I held her firmly by her shoulders, shaking her lightly as Yumeko explained what had happened. Itsuki has cheated and had forced Yuemko to gamble her fingernails away and had instead lost and been outwitted by Yumeko. Glancing down at the shivering mess before me, I resisted the urge to flinch. She was me from the past and I hated it.

"Itsuki," I said whilst kindly caressing her cheek. She looked at me with sparkling hope in her eyes, akin to the same way a worried child stares at their mother when they are frightened and scared. I smiled sympathetically as I finished off my sentence, "you're as good as dead."

She wailed harder, her cheeks turning the same vibrant pink as her painted nails. I sighed and stood up, smoothing down my skirt before walking down the stairs, everyone parting out of the way for me. As harsh as I sounded, Itsuki knew that the Student Council President was going to destroy her for being publicly defeated by the new girl. It was just a matter of due time.

I had made it all the way to the entrance of the dining hall near the vending machines when a pair of slender and pale arms clad in the school blazer wrapped around my torso, pulling me into them from behind. I cringed as I saw that I was Yumeko, pulling back from her slightly.

"I saw it right now, the unforgiving look in your eyes." Yumeko gasped out and I ignored her, buying some chocolate and crisps from the vending machine. I groaned as Yumeko looked at me expectantly, knowing that she wanted something.

"What?" I hissed and she smiled, taking my arm in hers and leaning in very close. A erratic look had taken over her eyes and a blush stained her cheeks.

"I want to gamble with you." Yumeko said and I gasped in shock, not expecting her to say that. I don't know what Yumeko saw on me but she clearly thought that I was interesting or she was gearing up to destroy me like Mary. I glared and stepped backwards from her, bumping into Suzui who had crept up behind me.

"Yumeko, Aiko doesn't gamble much." Suzui said and I blushed from embarrassment and anger, not wanting anyone to remember me like that. Yumeko tilted her head to the side in curiosity, staring at me in fascination. Ignoring her, I walked out of the hall before calling over my shoulder.

"I'll be gambling later after school..." I said, a hard look in my eyes. I was certain that I saw excitement shine in Yumeko's eyes but I didn't stick around to see if it was true, deciding that I couldn't stand her any longer.


I sat in the dining hall, ready to battle my first opponent. Mary had promised me that she wouldn't do anything stupid so I had left her on her own in my dorm room whilst I went to gain some money for her. I was positive that I would be successful in my gambles today; the weak would challenge me in hopes of acquiring my families riches but it would only send them off the deep end.

"Hey there kitten." A voice said and I groaned as I lifted my head, staring into Sora's eyes. Glancing past him, I saw all of his friends standing there, smirking at me in lust. I resisted the urge to scream and smiled through clenched teeth, gesturing Sora to sit with me.

"Good evening Sora, would you like to gamble with me?" I asked politely, shining my subtle puppy eyes at him. I saw his eyes flicker as I smirked inside, knowing that I had caught my bait. It was well known that Sora and his goons enjoyed taking advantage of weaker students-especially girls-and I would use this weakness to destroy him.

Sora slammed down his fists as he sat down, leering at me. I sat with my hands carefully placed on my lap as he observed me, licking his lips. Idiot! I'm going to destroy him! I thought as my lip twitched slightly in annoyance.

"Let's play Old Maid." I said whilst clapping my hands together, blushing lightly. Sora scrunched up his nose at my recommendation, clearly expecting me to to pick a more complex game but he clearly realised that I being serious as I stared at him with a calm expression.

"Fine. Haru, get us some cards." He said whilst snapping his fingers and summoning a HousePet. She scrambled to quickly get them, squealing as Sora's friends pushed her roughly.

"Leave her; she's a first year." I sharply said and she gratefully glanced at me before setting the cards down, only for Sora to grab her arm.

"I said to leave her." I snarled whilst gripping onto Sora's arm. He let go and the air became tense as we both stared each other down.

"Let's do this...you know exactly what I want if I win right?" He said and I darkly nodded.

"I assume you know what I want if I win." I uttered in a low voice and Sora nodded, acknowledging my desires. This was going to so much more than a battle; it was going to be a wager of rights and pride.

"Let's do this."


Ohhhhh it's Aiko's first gamble so far in the series! I originally planned for her to be somewhere else during this chapter but the temptation of making her gamble with Sora was too tempting! The next chapter will flicker between this gamble and Yumeko and her whereabouts so get ready for that. I'm debating if Aiko should have a love interest but I'm not so sure yet...ah that reminds me, what do you guys think about Runa? She'll be making an appearance next chapter so stay tuned...

opalft x

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