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This chapter is dedicated to AltairHS and NeoDreamChaser for always voting and commenting! Love you guys :) x

"It suits you."

Kirari smiled as she spoke, walking over to me to inspect my uniform. The whole council was gathered behind the thick velvet curtain that obscured us from the audience as we got ready to make our announcement. I smiled sweetly as she played with a lock of my hair.

"Back to blonde I see." Runa quipped and I smiled at her as well. I had dyed my hair back to its original colour, a blonde that was so pale that it almost looked platinum. I had also cut a delicate and wispy  fringe that skimmed my eyebrows. Light pink makeup accentuated my features, a light blush across my cheeks and nose and a swipe of lipstick. If I was to be scrutinised by my peers, I wanted to at least look good. Midari glanced at me and nodded at me in approval, not that I needed it from her.

"I don't want to look bad in my new position" I explained and the members nodded, understanding where I was coming from. The curtains began to rise and I stepped backwards so I was at the edge of the stage, out of sight. Kirari would explain why everyone was gathered up and then I would be revealed. I gritted my teeth slightly as I glanced at the members on stage, hating the position that I had been forced into.

"Good morning Hyakkaou. I hope you are all feeling well today. We have gathered you here for an important announcement regarding the school and it's council."

Murmurs erupted around the hall as everyone questioned what Kirari could be up to. She didn't have the best track record of making choices in this school and I could sense that the HousePets were afraid that whatever she was planning would have a direct consequence on them. Most of the rules were created to punish them in some shape or form and it was frightening to be in their position, not knowing exactly what was coming but knowing that it would hurt you badly.

"Please come out." Kirari signalled to me and I froze, taking a deep breath before walking out into the open. My shoes clicked against the hard wood flooring as I confidently strutted out onto the stage, shoulders back and my head high. My blonde hair tickled my cheeks as I firmly stood in front of the audience, a cold look on my face. My heart almost shattered as I saw the HousePets scattered around the floor, some being used as foot rests or shoved carelessly into the corner like broken toys. Jaw clenched, I kept my cold hearted facade on, not wanting anyone to detect any weaknesses within me.

"Yomozuki Aiko has been elected as the latest member of our council. She will head the Beautification Committee alongside our dear Midari." Kirari said as she snaked her arm around my shoulder, giving it a gentle pat. It took all my willpower to not recoil away from her as I flashed a girlish smile at her, my eyes and nose scrunching up cutely.

"Oh, and one last thing. Under no circumstance are any of you to challenge Aiko to an official match. Anyone who is caught doing so will face unimaginable consequences." Kirari said, her voice laced with poison. It was a direct warning to all of the HousePets and she made sure to icily look at them, her stare piercing into their souls.

"I'm happy to be chosen to represent Hyakkaou and I will strive to ensure that the academy is the best place that it can be!" I said, looking over at my fellow members. They smiled slightly at me but the malice they had towards me seemed to radiate off them, the hatred threatening to swallow me whole. I looked out into the audience, pausing for a fraction of a second when I saw my friends.

Karen looked like she was in shock, her eyes glazed over but her expression neutral. Itsuki was trembling, her eyes darting around quickly. Mary was the human embodiment of anger, golden eyes burning into mine. Ryota was shocked, his jaw practically on the floor. However, Yumekos reaction was unexpected. She was smiling from ear to ear, a blush settled on her cheeks and her eyes bright. We caught each other's eye and she beamed brighter, quickly mouthing some words to me:

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