chapter one

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"Be us against the world"
- Katy Perry

AS ADLEY stepped barefoot out of her back door, she took in her surroundings. The bright sun warming her skin, the feel of fresh grass in her toes. Turning around, she made her way back through the house and to the front door. She debated putting her shoes on, but decided against it. Besides, she was used to not wearing her shoes. It was a habit of hers. Adley turned the door handle, opened the front door and walked out onto the concrete step. Closing the door behind her, she grabbed her skateboard and made her way to the park. Her park. She didn't own it, of course, but she couldn't recall the last time she saw anyone there besides herself.

Adley's long, wavy brown hair blew in the warm summer breeze as she skated down the deserted road. Nearing the park, she noticed something strange. A person. Someone else at the park she'd seen no one go to in years. She picked up her worn down skateboard and cautiously walked towards the stranger. Noticing Adley's presence, the boy looked up. He then proceeded to look down, obviously confused as to why Adley had no shoes on.

"It's a habit." Adley told him, noticing his questioning look.
"Your feet don't hurt?" The boy asked sheepishly, seeming to be a little embarrassed, although Adley couldn't work out why.
"Nah. Used to it." Adley shrugged and sat down on the swing next to the boy, and, realising he was looking down, took in his features.

The boy had curly brown hair, with what looked like natural highlights. He had freckles covering his nose and cheeks, too many to count. His hazel eyes sparkled in the bright sunshine, making them look especially green. His skin was tanned, and looked adorably sun-kissed. Adorable. No. Adley remembered her promise she made to herself all those summers ago. But finding someone physically attractive didn't count, right? No. It didn't matter. It would only lead her down a dangerous path that would end in disaster. Plus, she'd spoken less than 10 words to this boy. She didn't even know his name, for God's sake.

Snap out of it, Ad, she thought to herself. She didn't need to know his name. She just wanted to know why he was here.

"What brings you here?"
"What?" The boy seemed to have been daydreaming, and had snapped back into reality.
"I literally haven't seen anyone here for years. And I come here pretty much every day."
"I- I'm not really sure. I just stumbled across it and it looked like a quiet place to think." He seemed distracted by something, and Adley was determined to find out what it was.

"You?" The boy asked quietly.
Although a little confused as to why he cared, Adley answered his question.
"Been coming here since I was a kid. Me and my siblings used to play here. I guess I just... never stopped coming."

Her response was followed by a small nod and then silence. It was a comfortable silence, though. The two sat there on the old, rusty swings, not talking, not even looking at each other. Adley couldn't help but wonder what this boy was thinking about.

"What're you thinkin' about?" She couldn't help herself. She had to ask.
"Life." He responded sheepishly.

They sat there for a long while, without another word. It wasn't until Adley saw her brother walking down the dirt road towards them that another word was spoken.

"For fuck's sake." Adley muttered under her breath, but not quiet enough that the boy didn't hear her.
"Everything alright?" He asked, looking concerned and confused.
"You see that guy coming towards us?" The boy nodded. "That's my brother. He's gonna make me come home. Probably brought my shoes too."
"You don't want to go?"
"Fuck no."
"Tell him that then." He said, seeming to have more confidence than before.
"Trust me, he won't care."

It didn't take long before Adley's brother was stood at the gate to the park. Holding her shoes.

"I'm not coming home." Adley was determined to stay.
"Yes you are. Dad wants you back; he's leaving soon."
"Good. I don't want to talk to him."
"You're coming home, Ad. And for God's sake, stop going out without your shoes." With that, he chucked her tattered, faded yellow converse to her. Reluctantly, she put them on, knowing how her brother can get.

"Give me 5. I'll catch up to you."
"Fine. But I better see you behind me soon, or I'll carry you home myself."
"Noted," She said as her brother started off down the dirt road, rolling his eyes as he walked. "Asshole." She said to herself.
"I heard that!" He shouted behind him.

She turned around to see the boy staring at her curiously, but also with a hint of what looked like sympathy.
"You're staring." Adley said with a smirk.
"S-sorry." He quickly darted his eyes away, embarrassed that he'd been caught.
"I'm kidding," She chuckled. "I don't blame you. That was probably awkward as fuck for you."
"You swear a lot." He suddenly seemed so innocent, and Adley couldn't help but find it adorable.
"Yeah. It's a bad habit."

"Y-you should go." He seemed hesitant about what he was saying. "N- not that I want you to! Your brother just seemed determined to get you home."
"Well I'm determined to stay here. But that wasn't an empty threat, you know. If I don't leave within the next thirty seconds he will come back and literally pick me up and carry me home over his shoulder."
"Over protective?"
"You could say that. It's complicated."

The boy didn't say anything, but he seemed to understand.
"My brother's overprotective too. Worse than my dad."
"Yeah." The two seemed to be in a world of their own, as if nothing else was around them. That was, until Adley felt her phone vibrate in the pocket of her denim shorts.

If I don't see you behind me within the next 30 seconds I'm coming back and carrying you.

The text read.

"For fuck's sake, Theo." Adley sighed as she stood up, picking up her skateboard as she did so. "I have to go."

The nameless boy didn't say another word until she got to the gate of the old park.

"What's it short for?"
"Hm?" Adley spun around, giving the boy a questioning look.
"Your brother called you Ad. I was just wondering what it's short for."
"Oh. Adley." She smiled, opened the gate, hopped on her skateboard and made her way down the road.
"Adley." The boy said to himself. "I hope I see you again."

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