chapter three

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"You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be,
and I don't wanna go home right now"
- The Goo Goo Dolls

ADLEY and Eli stood up, wandering around and eventually down to the beach. No words were exchanged, but it was a comfortable silence. That was, until, Adley's phone began to ring, and her sister's name appeared on the screen.

"What is it, Amara?" Adley asked her sister, her annoyance clear.
She looked over to see Eli mouth "sister?", and nodded.
"Where are you, Addy? We're worried about you." Her sister's voice wobbled as she spoke.
"If 'we' includes Dad then I'm not saying."
"No, no, he left like 5 minutes after you did." Amara reassured.
"Promise? There is no way I am coming home if Dad's still there."

The thought of Adley going home made the smile drop from Eli's face. He didn't want her to go home. But he also needed a reason not to go back to his own home.

"I promise, Addy. He's gone on his stupid 'business' trip."
Adley sighed. "Fine. I'll be home soon."
"See you in a bit. I love you."
"I love you too, Ama." With that, Adley hung up.

"Do you have to go soon?" Eli asked her. It was clear he didn't want her to.
"You don't want me to go, do you?" Adley said, with a small smirk crossed with hint of a sadness.
"That, and I don't want to go home."
"I feel you. My siblings don't like it when I fight with Dad. But it's getting late, and they'll start to worry."

Eli paused for a moment, seemingly hesitant about what he was about to say.
"Can I... see you tomorrow?" He asked her, his shyness adorable.
"I'd like that."

Eli then walked up to Adley, pulling her into a tight hug. She willingly hugged him back, nestling her head into his chest. He nuzzled his sun-kissed face into Adley's messy brown hair, holding her tightly. Never wanting to let go. How was it possible that he suddenly felt so close to this girl - the girl that he'd met just a few hours ago?
It feels like I've known her for years. Eli thought to himself.

Adley slowly pulled out of the hug and looked up at Eli with the utmost innocence. Just gazing into his sparkling hazel eyes. Eli placed his hands on Adley's shoulders, staring deep into her ocean-blue eyes.

"Promise me you'll be okay?" He asked, with genuine concern that Adley wasn't used to.
"I promise."
"I'll see you tomorrow, Lee."
"Meet me at the park?"
"Where else?" Eli smiled as he turned around and started to walk home, leaving Adley stood by herself yet again. Turning on her heel, Adley made her way back home, dreading what was going to happen when she faced her siblings.

Adley took a deep breath before placing her hand on the doorknob, turning it slowly and quietly in the hope that she could escape upstairs before her siblings caught her. But as she opened the door and stepped inside, she was greeted by them both sat on the sofa, not looking particularly happy.

"Where have you been?" Theo asked her, looking concerned and annoyed.
"What do you care?" Adley rolled her eyes at him as she walked towards the stairs.
"You're my sister, Ad. I care about you. I want to know you're alright."
"I'm fine. There. Happy now? Is that what you wanted to hear?"
"Don't do this now, Adley."

"Do what? People pretend to care, they ask you how you are but they don't really give a shit, they're just making conversation. 'Hey, how are you?' 'I'm fine thanks, you?' 'I'm fine too.' No one really cares. It's all bullshit. They just pretend to care. It's all just fucking fake."
"I care, Adley! I'm not pretending! Why can't you just see that?!"
"Prove it!"
"I shouldn't have to! Why can't you believe that I just fucking care?! Have I not already proved that enough?! Why is nothing ever enough for you?!"

"SHUT IT! BOTH OF YOU!" Standing up, Amara shouted as loud as she could. Amara was always the quiet one and rarely shouted, so her yelling at them shocked them into silence.
"Ama, I-" Adley started.
"Save it, Addy. And you, Theo. This is pathetic. Adley, he fucking cares, okay? Theo, just- just stop. You know she has a hard time believing people care. I've had enough of all this constant arguing. Both of you." The fifteen-year-old suddenly seemed so mature. It was like seeing a whole new side of her.

"In my defence, it's mostly-" Theo began.
"No. Okay, yes, most of it is Adley, but you're not helping, T. Acacia wouldn't tolerate this. Why should I?"
Tears welled in Adley's eyes as she heard that name. She hadn't heard Amara say it since that day.

"Y-you said her-"
"Yes, I said her freaking name."
"I- I'm sorry, Ama. I really am." Adley couldn't stop herself. More and more tears started rolling down Adley's face, until her eyes were streaming. She pulled her sister into a tight hug, Amara hugging her back, sobbing into her older sister's shoulder.
"I'm sorry too, Mara." Theo joined the hug, pulling his younger sisters close to his chest, not letting go, for fear that they wouldn't have another moment like this.

Sniffling back the last of her tears, Adley stepped back slightly and looked at her siblings.
"You guys do know I love you both, right?"
"Of course we know, Ad. Just because we fight doesn't mean we don't love each other. And whether you believe it or not, I do care about you." Theo reassured her.

"I know, T. I'm sorry." Adley said, smiling softly at her brother.
"It's okay, you little Firecracker. I love you."
"I love you too, T."
"Feelin' a bit left out, here." Amara smiled from the side.
"We love you too, Titch. Don't you worry your little head." Theo chuckled as he rubbed his little sister's head.

The three made their way to their own rooms, and, after showering, Adley suddenly remembered her plans with Eli. She couldn't remember the last time she was so excited to meet up with someone, but she didn't care.

She just wanted to see him.

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