Chapter XV

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Love is a many splendored thing (pls tell me someone got that)


I was starting to spend less time at home. It was okay, though, because my mom was doing the same. She was trying to get extra hours, but her evening school starts late, so she gets home at around ten o'clock, on average now. Even on Saturdays and Sundays, the house is empty because she goes to work early and works more on the weekends.

Anyway, I've been spending the time I'm not at home, with Connor. I'm at his house more than he is at mine. His is just less small and his has a treehouse. I love trees. Maybe that's why I love the warm printer paper.

Connor is like the printer paper for me. When I finally get to see him, I like to just hug him. Heh. And when I finally have to leave, I get a bit sad, but I know that I can do it over again, too. All I want.

One day, I went to his house and he brought me inside the treehouse. It was fun...

"Hey Ev, we can have more fun in the treehouse," Connor said, then he winked and smiled. He grabbed my hand and started walking.

"Okay," I replied.

He led me inside the treehouse, closed the door, took off his jacket, then... Oh my god.. He picked up a tree picture book. The pictures were trees. If this isn't true love, I'm not sure what is!

The next day, we were messing around with each other in the treehouse when...


Connor didn't stop. He didn't hear me?

"Oww. Mrrm," I groaned, "F- Connor it hurts."

He stopped moving. "Evan... how did you get stuck in the window??"

"I was trying to- I wanted a- I wanted to touch the butterfly."

"Silly goose." He got up, lifted my leg, and helped me out of the window. I'm still sore. Connor got me a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle bandaid, though, so I'm okay.


Larry began to notice Connor's friend -- he couldn't remember his name..was it Kevin? -- coming over a lot more. They also sat closer on the couch than Larry did with even Cynthia. He didn't want to assume anything, but he didn't want to find anything out either. Awfully close, he is, Larry thought to himself. Barely audibly, Larry let out a quick, not-even-a-scoff sound, as he walked out of the living room, to the dining room.

Cynthia walked out of the kitchen and offered the tree bros food. "Do you guys want anything to eat? I can make something, too. I'm not doing that vegan, gluten-free stuff anymore," she added. "Hm?"

"No thanks, Mrs. Murphy," Evan replied, looking up at the woman dressed up for maybe pilates?

"Nah. Uh thanks," Connor answered, politely.

"O-okay. Tell me if that changes, mkay?"

The boys nodded and mumbled a simple, "Okay."

Cynthia had also noticed that Connor and Evan had become really close within the past few days. She was glad that her son, the one who threw a fucking printer at his teacher in second grade (imagine that phone call!), had finally made a friend. They were two good friends. Two best friends.

She walked back into the kitchen to prepare a smoothie for herself, and one for Zoe for when she arrived at home.


Zoe had become friends with Alana. Alana was especially excited to have a..close acquaintance (she was working on it).

They'd even had a sleepover where Zoe confided in Alana about Evan, and Alana confided in Zoe about this person she is very fond of, but she isn't sure if she "likes" them or not. Zoe asked who it was and Alana dodged it.


I don't think I would even have a chance, nor do I believe that it would work out in my favor anyway, because Zoe is straight-


Sorry, reader. I gave too much away.

She's just so nice to me and she acknowledges my existence. I know what it's like to feel alone, like Evan. Zoe is also smart. She's in my 12th grade chemistry class. She's in 11th grade. Wowie. Zoe is also cute, funny, good at singing, and apparently dance; she's silly, helpful, and sweet and likes broadway like me and Evan. She also doesn't know Dear Evan Hansen. Weird. I hear it's pretty popular. (y'all seem to enjoy rAndom cracks in the fourth wall, huh?)

Anyway, I'm kind of confused. I don't think Zoe and I should happen. TUrn iT ofF, AlaNa!

I don't want to hurt her, myself, or Evan (even though he isn't really involved, just in general).



I wrote 772 words. Are you proud of me?

How are y'all? I never ask that..

Anyway, thanks so much for reading this far! I'm so sorry I haven't published sHit in forever. I promise I'll try to work on this. Y'all are so great and oki baaaiiii.


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