Chapter V

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Two friends, true friends

***trigger warning at the end? Mentions of self harm and drug abuse stuff..***

Evan was about to leave the Murphys' house so he could go home and eat.. well probably a pack of ramen or toaster waffles. Zoe was about to show him back to the door when they ran into Connor again. It seemed like Connor was about to leave, too. "I'll be back," he said, but not loud enough that his parents, or even Zoe heard. Only Evan heard and he figured he wasn't supposed to because of Connor's expression. It was a mix between anger, confusion, a smirk, and something that read "why are you looking at me?"

"Oh, Evan, honey? Why don't you stay for a bit? I'm cooking dinner right no- if it's alright with your parents?" It was Zoe and Connor's mom.

"Oh yeah you totally should! If you want to, though. Um do you? What are you making?" Zoe asked. Connor was out the door already. Evan wondered where he went. And without a jacket! Well someone is going to get sick! Evan asked why he cared..

"Oh I'm making a vegan lasagna. Are you allergic to anything? If you're staying with us," Zoe's mom added. "Oh gosh! I'm so rude. I'm Cynthia, Zoe and Connor's mom. I'm assuming you're Evan, right?" She held out a hand for Evan to shake.

"H-Hi. Um I'm yeah Evan. And lasagna sounds uh good," Evan stuttered. "Thank you, Mrs. Murphy."

"Oh no problem! And it was a no for allergies, yeah?"

Evan nodded. Cynthia did a thumbs up and went back to the kitchen. Evan and Zoe headed back upstairs as they waited for dinner.


"Dinner is ready! Zoe and Evan," Cynthia shouted up the stairs, holding five plates.

"Coming, mom," Zoe shouted back.

Evan and Zoe descended down the wooden stairs, towards the dining room. The table was set perfectly and there were five chairs sitting around a round table with a light blue tablecloth to match the curtains. Larry Murphy, Cynthia's husband and Zoe and Connor's dad, walked in, greeting and introducing himself to Evan while shaking his hand. He sat in the chair closest to the wall. He opened up a newspaper and began silently reading.

Evan and Zoe sat down across from Larry. Cynthia brought the food and asked if anyone wanted something to drink. Larry and Evan asked for water. Zoe asked for apple juice.

Evan slowly took a bite of the lasagna and actually didn't hate it. He ate another couple of bites before realising he was the only one eating. Cynthia was telling Larry, who was barely poking at the gelatinous meal, about her new pilates class. Zoe was paying attention to an article on her phone as she reached for a piece of bread, but didn't touch it. Connor was just gone.

Cynthia must have noticed Connor's absence as well. "Zoe, where is Connor?"

"I don't know. I didn't realize he was gone."


Without looking up from the newspaper, Larry answered, "I- Well think about it. He's probably out and about, getting high."

"He's definitely getting high," Zoe said matter-of-factly.

"I told him not to-" Cynthia sighed.

"He doesn't listen," Larry said in a disappointed tone.

"Zoe, honey, would you mind looking for him? He couldn't have gone far. He was just here, ten minutes ago."

"Whatever. Evan, come with me?" Zoe asked, getting out of her seat and pushing it back in.

"Sure." And with that, they walked out of the dining room.

"Do you want to go to the treehouse and look there, while I see his room?"

Evan loved trees. He loved them more than he loved himself. That didn't say a lot though. "Okay! I- um okay."

Zoe giggled. "Alright! It's out in the backyard. You'll see it."

Evan headed outside. When he saw the big wooden structure, he squealed a bit. Internally, of cours- never mind. There he went, racing toward the tallest tree in the yard. He wondered what the world would look like from all the way up that high. He climbed up a few feet before grabbing hold of the ladder. One foot after the other, he climbed to the top, opened the door, forgetting he was looking for someone.

He knocked instead. No answer. He then opened the door and went inside. There, he found a black sweatshirt sitting next to a thing you um smoke pot with (I'm a pure lil potato idk what that's called).

"Hello?" Evan walked farther until he spotted Connor. He had no shirt on. Evan blushed a little bit.

Connor looked up, slightly startled. "Hnngh.. Hm? Oh, Ev- uh," he sputtered. "What are yo- why are you in here?"

"Um Zoe asked me to look in here for you. Your mom asked us to find you," Evan mumbled.

"You're gonna have to speak louder than that," Connor chuckled.

Evan looked Connor and noticed his eyes were redder than usual. He also seemeda bit out of it. "Want some?" he asked.

"Uh n-no thanks."

"Mm ok," Connor murmured, pushing the thing out if the way.

"But why are you uh.."


"Doing this? Smoking drugs?"

"Smoking drugs," Connor asked skeptically. "Cute. I don't know. It kinda, well, it's like the pain goes away when I'm high or something like that," he said. He's definitely high, Evan thought.

Connor asked Evan what happened to his arm. It had a cast on it. Usually Evan told people, including Jared, that he fell out of a tree while climbing. Actually, he was going to let go and hopefully die when he hit the ground. "I'm- it's broken. I am brok- I um, out of a tree."

"Did you fall or did you let go?"

"I um, I let go," Evan said, feeling tears in his eyes and not letting them out.

"I would have too." Connor turned his arm to reveal faded scars. "I'm not okay."

Evan shook his head, trying to convey that he wasn't either.


Aw. This was kind of sad.

989 words though so yay!

This is a tree bros fic right? It isn't going anywherreee. Ugh. I promise I'll get to it.

Thank you so much for reading! I'll see you next time!


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