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                             teddy bear. I looked at it curiously. Ino shoved me into the closet and locked the door. I stumbled backwards into a warm....moving....wall. I turned quickly and gasped seeing gaara.
I bowed. "F-forgive me k-k-kazekage-sama" I stuttered. I wasn't scared of him. I actually had a huge crush on him.
I could feel his turquoise eyes watching me. "Are you scared of me as well (y/n)?"
"N-no! Of course not! I-i j-just....." I trailed off staring at the ground blushing bright red.
"Your face is red, do you have a fever?" He asked in that sexy voice. I jumped when his hand touched my forehead.
"N-no s-sir...I-im f-fine..." I said softly and gently grabbed his hand lowering it away from my face. I didn't let go though. I held it gently in both my hands.
"I-im l-like this....b-because....I r-really l-like y-you...." I stuttered. I looked up to him seeing his wide eyes.
He looked away and pulled his hand away. "Who could ever like a monster?" He asked quietly. The door opened and he left, leaving me there.
Tears started to fall from my (e/c) eyes. I ran from the closet and out of the house, ignoring the yells of my friends.
It's been a month since then. I tried to avoid him as much as I could. I felt heartbroken. I really liked him, and the more I stayed away. The more I believed it to be love.
One night I went to the highest point in konoha. I wanted to be alone in my despair. When I got there I didn't expect to see gaara sitting there.
I turned and tried to leave before he noticed me.
Too late.
I turned slowly and looked at him. He was standing now and looking at me with those gorgeous turquoise eyes. "Where have you been?"(ALL MY LIFE XD)
"Home..." I said quietly. I avoided eye contact. I could feel the tears building up in my eyes. Shutting them tight I hoped he'd just go away.
I froze when I felt him grab my chin and move my face up. He was extremely close to my face. I could feel my heart trying to burst from my chest and I think he did to because he smirked.....WAIT, GAARA SMIRKED!?!?
My heart was going a million BPM. Suddenly, everything stopped when I felt soft gentle lips on mine.
My eyes because the size of saucers as my heart raced. The feel of his lips on mine made my body heat up. My eyes slowly closed as is kissed him back. Our lips moved together in sync.
We kissed until our lungs burned for air. He broke the kiss and looked at each other, red and panting.
"I love you" he said
My eyes widened and filled with tears. "I love you too!" I exclaimed and hugged him tight. He hugged me close and smiled.
From that day on I was by gaaras side.

NARUTO 7 MINUTES IN HEAVENWhere stories live. Discover now