The Beginning

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Chapter:10 Apollen (short pov.)

"I promised her I would protect her."

The words slipped from Gabriel's lips as if he had said this more then once, the fact that he said it with much ease made me feel something deep and dark inside as if the sensation crawled up my skin consuming me with an emotion of anger.

"You don't know how it feels to be rejected, you don't know the pain I had to live though.. Without the person who made me feel happy for my life," I told myself in my mind only looking at Gabriel who stared at me with his one blue eye and green eye.

"Does this bother you?"

Gabriel's voice was calm while I held on to his collar shirt.

"No I just think that if I look after her I can be closer to her and be a better friend like I used to."

I said finally holding back the urge of anger that had me going.

"Are you sure Apollen? You seem as if you don't agree of me looking after her"

I held back a hesitated breath before letting go of Gabriel's shirt glancing at his "Good looking mature king face boy" yes he was my cousin, the next King of the Clan Otichi family, and I..I was his cousin third son of Hanna and Xein.

But what could I do I had no power, nothing to say and only watch as Eren lived a life she didn't belong in.

"I'm sure.."

I finally said, maybe understanding I would regret the decision later..


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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